RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
05-18-2016, 02:10 AM
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They continue in a slightly tense silence for a minute or so before Louis stops dead, and grabs Jeannette's arm. "What?"
"Stand still and put your d*** hands up, I just heard a bowstring."
"Shouldn't I be getting my weapons out then?"
"No--no..look, we're in a forest lookin' for a town, and if someone drew a bow to maybe shoot at us they're probably from said town." He hisses this over at the human while putting up his own hands. Jeannette shrugs exaggeratedly and follows suit.
After a couple of seconds, someone hops down from a nearby tree. A blond-haired, blue-eyed elf woman in green clothes, to be specific. She doesn't appear to have a bow on her. "Sharp ears," she says, "I'd expect no less from a Cat. What business have you in our part of the woods?"
It occurs to both of the travelers that they haven't actually come up with character names yet.
They continue in a slightly tense silence for a minute or so before Louis stops dead, and grabs Jeannette's arm. "What?"
"Stand still and put your d*** hands up, I just heard a bowstring."
"Shouldn't I be getting my weapons out then?"
"No--no..look, we're in a forest lookin' for a town, and if someone drew a bow to maybe shoot at us they're probably from said town." He hisses this over at the human while putting up his own hands. Jeannette shrugs exaggeratedly and follows suit.
After a couple of seconds, someone hops down from a nearby tree. A blond-haired, blue-eyed elf woman in green clothes, to be specific. She doesn't appear to have a bow on her. "Sharp ears," she says, "I'd expect no less from a Cat. What business have you in our part of the woods?"
It occurs to both of the travelers that they haven't actually come up with character names yet.