Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
1412 Wrote:Pick Utzgarignjer. You know you're curious.
Bakumaster Wrote:>Psychic.
Billybob-Mario Wrote:Utrugutgenzer or whatever it is.
Peregrinate Wrote:Is Jacob the Niche, then? I hope not, I really do want a Worldbrink Mage...

Doesn't seem to fit Neyla's style, though.


Pirate orcs? Heck yes. Alternatively,


{Meta: Vote Count Ranking:
Utzgarignjer: 3
Psychic: 1
Swashbuckler: 1}

Neyla takes a moment to weigh her options before returning to the "Chaos" search and selecting the class with the strange name and no particular description. The class selection screen changes to a rather peculiar skill tree. There are three blank skill slots with a die depicted beneath each, and a 1 beneath the picture of the die. Off to the right, there is a skill whose picture is "+" followed by what seems to be a picture of a skill slot, another with a "-" followed by a picture of a clock covering most of a die, and in the bottom right corner there is a larger picture of a die.

The orc tries pushing the non-blank skill buttons in an effort to figure out what's going on, but no text box appears anywhere. She tries touching one of the blank skills next, to no effect, and then tries the die symbol underneath the same blank slot. The die symbol switches through the numbers 1 and 6 randomly, as if simulating a roll, before stopping on 3 dots. Above it, the blank skill slot is filled in with a picture of a silhouetted person's head, colored purple, with an eye in the person's forehead. Poking this picture has no effect, and poking the die beneath it again causes a small clock icon to briefly appear on top of the die, leaving it where it is.



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