Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Gog damnit diplomacy! I'm out.
Be a lady and ask about his religion.
Curris Wrote:Neyla Consider own religious beliefs.
Ask Satyr fellow for his name.
Billybob-Mario Wrote:How can a goddess be male?

Neyla frowns skeptically. "Is who you are talking about male or female?"
"Yes. Heehee, Liremskra is what he happens to be whenever it is, or isn't. The god I serve is not content to retain a single appearance. Makes it far too easy for folk to build statues and get all..orderly about their worship." He mentions order with a disdainful tone of voice, as if disappointed in whoever he is speaking about.
"Why would you not want that?"
"Well, clearly worship directly against a goddess's nature is bound to make him angry. Or..overly happy. Either way, who do you think has to smooth things over with her?"
"..You?" guesses the orc.
The satyr grins. "Hahahaa! Nope! Not yet, anyway. But some good friends of mine had to get involved once. It was agitating. Hilariously so."

She pauses, and then tries a new subject. "What is your name?"
"Jacob today. Tomorrow, maybe something else. But I might not be so friendly with you tomorrow, so it might not matter then."
They come to a crossroads. It occurs to Neyla that they have been walking along a road for a good few minutes now, and she stops, signing, "Where are we going?"
"No idea. I was assuming you knew, but hoping you didn't. After all, you started walking and I followed."

She shrugs, moves over to a rock and sits down. "What happened to your god?"
"Well. As I mentioned, she no longer is alive. The simple fact is that a deity of chaos can only exist for so long before realizing that being codified as the one everyone goes to for chaos is far, far too orderly. A goddess of change is only as good as his own ability to change, after all. What good is chaos if it's bottled up in an entity? And upon that realization, and the knowledge that every other concept worth taking already has some god or goddess governing it, Liremskra prompetly imploded."
"That must be terrible for his or her priest, then?"
Jacob shakes his head. "Hoo hoo, not at all! It's wonderful. I mean, it is awful, but it's wonderful, too. After all, not every generation of worshipers gets to experience the tumultuous change coming with the formation of a brand new deity firsthand, after all."
"Is that..guaranteed to happen?"
He nods. "Certainly! When a god dies, a new god rises. It's in the rules. The rules even chaos must obey. The whoooole universe throws a fit when a replacement doesn't show up soon enough, and it is an ugly sight to behold. But so beautiful!"

Neyla happens to think about the screen that showed up with the message on it earlier, and it reappears. She looks down at it, and Jacob notices, looking too.
"Ooh, what is that thing?" he says.
She looks back up at him and signs, "I do not know."
"Well, if you ask me, it looks like a source of great power! See if you can get some power out of it. I'll just be over here," he says, walking over to a nearby roadsign, "vandalizing this."

In one corner of the screen, the word "Neyla" is indicated as the character's name. Not far from there is a blank class button, which the orc presses to find the search function I'm certain you're all quite familiar with by now.


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