Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Curris Wrote:Orc -> Mimic the satyr perfectly. He seems so expectant that you act unpredictably. . . that the best way to respond is to be fully predictable and mirror him.

That'll teach him to ask personal questions.
Bakumaster Wrote:A satyr? Now all we need is a centaur...

>Walk away.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:
1412 Wrote:You're going to slap this annoying satyr again until he starts making sense. Either that or a faun. You were never good with mythology.
Or until he's DEAD!

The orc turns around so she's facing the..satyr, I suppose, moving at the same time to get some small distance off from him, and then slaps him. "Ooh!" he says, backing up. She mimics his mouth movements, but without any sound to accompany it, and imitates his backing up.

He shakes his head, and she mirrors that as well. "Hmm, hmm," he says, and the orc has to stroke an imaginary beard to properly imitate his expression. "Hee heee..." Again, her imitation of his speech is without sound. They both bend down, heads turned up slightly to keep an eye on one another, strike the ground a couple of times with..well, the satyr's right foot and the orc's left one.

And then the satyr charges forward, while the orc ducks to one side, having predicted this movement, and stands up fully, and begins walking in a random direction, away from the satyr, who pretty soon stops charging, stands up, and runs to catch up with her. He starts walking next to her once he does. "Come on, dear, I'm a nice guy. Well..today and to you, at least. Liremskra would have it no different. Except when he would, but that's rather hard to identify with the present situation."

The orc moves as if to punch the satyr again, and he giggles, backing away slightly. "Hee hee..come on, dear, if you're going to throw me off a cliff you might at least grace me with your name first, hmm?"



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