Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
1412 Wrote:Colors, then? I choose this one.
Greet him.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Kill the voice! It means you harm!
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Well it says trust everything.

The orc, without too much thought, dismisses the screen and moves out from under the rock to get a better look at the owner of the voice, waving at him in the process.

Although the sun is behind him, rendering him still a silhouette, some details of the man's appearance are immediately much more clear. In particular, the protrusions from the sides of his head are clearly some kind of horns, and his legs are shaped the way they are because they aren't quite human legs. Maybe something more like..goat, or deer legs? They certainly end in hooves, and they are covered in some kind of shaggy fur.
All of this she takes in before the stranger hops down in front of her, his hooved feet clip-clopping on the landing. "Hoh hoh! I expected no one, and got someone. What kind of someone did I get?" What's on his legs, and the hair on his head, and long, almost triangular beard are all seemingly of the same material: Light tan, curly fur. He isn't wearing a shirt, seems to be built rather thin, and he has yellow eyes.

He leans forward, still grinning, and for no readily apparent reason the orc punches him in the face, sending him reeling back a few steps. "Oof! Ach!" he says, holding the targeted spot in one hand. He slowly lowers his hand after a few seconds, his expression neutral. The orc stares slightly downward at his eyes for a few seconds before he starts giggling. "Hee..heehee...heeheehee, hahaha, hohoho! I was expecting someone predictable! Could never have hoped for a meeting so wonderful as this!"

He dances around next to her, and leans up toward her left ear, causing the orc to lean slightly to the right in an effort to avoid getting too close. "What are you going to do next?" he says, in a stage whisper, perhaps the most threatening tone of voice he has taken thus far.


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