Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Is he an alien? Also, Air would be useful as we have wings and probably an air affinity or something.
1412 Wrote:See how many skill points you need before you can learn Periodic elements. Probably a lot. Anyway, in the meantime pick Plants.
Beastnix Wrote:>pick plutonium
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:>Use alchemy :P
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:How? I'm all for alchemy but we can't do alchemy and won't be able to until we drink a potion.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Hmm maybe becuase he isn't human. I mean he is an green elf.?.? OK on a serious note maybe because he is from a different time :P

{Meta: Flipped a coin. Heads: Wind, Tails: Plant. Got tails.}
I don't know if that kind of spell even exists in this game..I mean what would a plutonium spell even do? Give everyone cancer, including the caster? "Uhh, um..plant? Are there plant spells?
"I can make it work," responds the green elf. They stop running for a moment to catch their collective breaths. He waves his hands, and a small collection of leaves appear between his hands, blowing toward her as if driven by the wind. Most of them miss, but a couple catch her in the wrist and torso, actually making small papercut-like wounds on her skin and nicking the semiarmored clothing she has on slightly.
"Ow." More undead start showing up around them. "How freaking far into this place are we? I walked for like, five minutes!"
"How long afterward were you running the wrong way?"
"Can't have been that long."

The elf points in a direction, and Auleoris waves her hands around facing the undead in their path that way. A bunch of leaves appear in front of her, and move as if carried by gale-force winds toward the undead. Those hit in the flesh get deep cuts and reel back in pain. The winged woman and the elf run through the confused crowd, the latter now swinging around a long green club. It smooths over and bends into boomerang after they break through the crowd, and he throws it at the next bunch of zombies in the way.

A few yards farther, and around a few more dead trees, the pair stop short. There are bits of live grass here and there, and the trees are thinner here, but that's not really what made them stop. Rather, it's probably the..well, the thing that appears to have been constructed into a vaguely humanoid form three times the height of a regular human out of five or six different corpses, with the body parts arranged in no particularly coherent manner.

"I..had hoped we would be out too soon for one such to appear."
"What level is that thing?"
"Level? Well, beyond ours."
"So we have to go around it, right?" Thinking quickly, the winged woman tries to learn mixture magic, and then mix the only two spells she currently knows and learn that.
"It would harm anyone too close...you idea a have?"
"Stun it, maybe?" Casting the new spell seems to involve holding one of her hands straight, palm-out, and waving around the other one. A number of leaves come blowing out like before, and then a bolt of lightning travels into the crowd of leaves, sparking through them and into a complex tree of arced bits of lightning, and then the whole concoction hits the giant creature at once. It holds its "arms" in front of its "head", partially blocking the attack.

"'Kay, go!" The pair split up and go around either side of the amalgam thing, and finally make it back out to the grassland, taking a good several steps more before stopping.

Auleoris bends over, hands-on-knees, panting. "Hff..fff..Okay..hff..so I guess that's..not a beginner area."
"I believe the intention was for to the dead biology hint at that."
She slowly stands back up. "Okay. So..you answered yes before. You're one of those...one of the ones that put us in the pods and said we were being tested for our world, or something like that..right?"
"Well, the same species at least. I am not directly among those responsible for carrying out the policy."
Anticipating her question, he says, "Yes, I can answer your questions. Most of them, I mean. Some things I do not know and some am I allowed not to say."


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