Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Kíeros Wrote:> Go to the town
> Unit circle
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:
Kíeros;7422473 Wrote:> Go to the town
> Unit circle
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Townward Bound :p
Beastnix Wrote:>always go for passive skills.

"I suppose we should go to this town then, no?"
"Usually a good idea. It should be safe, and if they're not f***ing idiots, any other players around should be going there, too." Louis hops down off the top branch and makes a rolling landing on the ground, standing up unharmed but with his hair messed up.
"Good to know you would think me an idiot to go the other way," Jeannette says, ticking the 'unit circle' skill and then dismissing the screen before her. "Your twig is there," she says, pointing at the sheathed blade now leaning against the tree.
Louis walks over, pulling some twigs out of his hair and brushing through it a couple of times. "Look, I don't know how much you're into video games, but I play 'em for a living. So trust me--I know what I'm doin'."
"You presume these aliens make games as we humans do."
He straps the sword to his side again. "Well, they made this one a whole lot like ours, by what I've seen so far. Town's this way, c'mon." He points and starts walking, the human girl following after.


The winged woman Auleoris stops in her tracks at the sight of a small crowd of skeletal creatures ahead of her. "Ff..ff.."
Okay. Lost? Check. Surrounded?
Her gaze swings left and right to catch a few more undead slowly making their way toward her. Yep. This was a really bad idea.
She turns to the left again at the sound of something hard hitting bone, and sees a green-skinned elf wearing the same kind of tunic she started out in knocking his way through a few of the skeletons with a short sword that seems to have either been painted bright green, or somehow made whole out of some solid metal-like material of said color.

He runs up next to her, the sword changing its shape completely into a small ankh, and holds it up. There is a small flash of light, and the undead around back away, stunned. "Ah, good to see my luck is not yet failing," he says. When he lets go of the ankh, it shifts into a small sphere of green and floats around behind him.
"Are you--?"
"Yes, we shall discuss that later. What class did you choose?"
"Uh, Mimic Mage. I'm sort of an idiot like that."
"No, that is a wise choice. Just at the beginning difficult. Quickly, what element will you prefer?"


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