RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
05-18-2016, 01:36 AM
emotionTongue Wrote:> Trigonometrist.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Trig thing...
Kíeros Wrote:> Differential Calculist. Duh. As long as you don't face ex, you should be fine.
1412 Wrote:I really don't think a math class would be a good idea, unless Sho Minamimoto is choosing. That being said, I either vote for the way of the surprising fist or the Utzgarignjer.
Beastnix Wrote:>Probability Mage
Bakumaster Wrote:>Calculist (preferably integral)
Curris Wrote:She needs a name. A French name of daring, and danger. Unfortunately, most of the French names of Legend I know are male (Lupin, Jacques Clouseau) and Joan of Arc doesn't really apply. . .
So, the Maîtresse, or L'Enseignant ?
Differential Calculist -> You can tell when you'll arrive, or how to intercept things based on relative motion. You're pretty much a rocket scientist. . . You can tell how healthy a monster is by how fast (or not) his health bar is moving. Plus, you get a pretty nasty ruler! Time to take these punks to school!
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Curris I think Trig is better :D
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Well yeah but you would have to already be that good I think.
zodiacSynthesis Wrote:Definitely Trigonomitrist.
{Meta: Vote Count Ranking:
Trigonometrist: 4
Calculist: 3
(Differential 2, Integral 1)
Fist Monk: 1
Utzgarignjer: 1
Probability Mage: 1}
"Whatever. So what class are you gonna take?"
"I am thinking, probably one of these mathematical ones."
"What, seriously? How do those even work?"
She shrugs. "I do not know, and my curiosity is sufficient to take it. I believe I understand trigonometry well enough.."
"Seriously? I don't even remember what that is."
"Well, I am just starting mathematical study at university, and should know at least that to be able to begin. I believe I understand calculus as well, but this much better."
Jeannette selects Trigonometrist as her class, and her tunic shifts to a leather peplos and a himation--very Greek-looking clothes, in other words. The skill tree that the class selection screen fades to looks like a wedge from a giant wheel, with a couple of skills already learned in the "outer" part of the wedge, facing down. It has [+] and [-] buttons, of which the former is faded out. "Hmm.." Pushing the [-] to zoom out shows two adjacent wedges as well, in less detail. On the left is "Géométrie", on the right is "Calcul I". Another zoom out opens up two more wedges, and so on until a gigantic wheel is visible, but the individual skills are tiny, unreadable dots.
"So what can you actually do with that class, anyway?"
She zooms back on on the "Trigonométrie" wedge, and looks at those skills. "It seems I have basic proficiency in using protractors and compasses as weapons."
"Really? That's kinda dumb. Did you actually get one?"
"Yes." Without having apparently gotten them from anywhere, she is holding a semicircle-shaped protractor in one hand, and a compass in the other. The former appears to have a blade in the outside of the arc. "There is a free skill point here for something else.."
The available skills that only cost 1 point are "Pythagorean", which is passive, and "Unit Circle", an active skill. Everything else will have to wait. "I must think on this..meanwhile, perhaps you could climb a tree and see where this forest ends."
"Climb a tree? I'm clumsy as f***. I can barely climb stairs without breaking my d*** back."
"You did not seem so clumsy fighting that wolf. This is a game, after all, no?"
"Oh..right. Hold this for me."
Louis hands her his sheathed sword and climbs the tree. "You thought this would throw your balance off?" she says. "I feel as if I am holding a meterstick. No wonder it did so little harm."
"Do you wanna know what I see up here or are you gonna keep making fun of me for s*** I didn't have any control over?"
She shrugs. "Go ahead."
"The forest is thin over that way. Looks like it just goes away and there's some grassland or somethin'. Straight the other way the forest gets thicker, but there's a huge clearing. Probably a town!"
"Why would people build a town in the middle of woods like that?"
"Because it's an RPG, duh!"