RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
05-18-2016, 01:26 AM
1412 Wrote:Oh yeah. Some birds (owls) have some extra transparent eyelids so that they can clean debris out of their eyes without having to stop looking ahead.
Anyway, why don't we scout out to the east?
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:I agree, Rule Two right and even of those aren't people we might get spells.
Kíeros Wrote:> Let's go see the dead trees.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Seconding Kieros
Spatra Wrote:> Revive trees.
Well, okay..both of those seem pretty risky, but at least the dead trees aren't boring. She flies down toward the "west", and makes somewhat of an awkward landing, going from a dive to frantically flapping her wings a few feet from the ground to being face-down, but unharmed, on the ground.
"Unf. I guess I need to practice landing." She pushes herself back up onto her feet and pauses, panting lightly. "Hff..whew. That was..quite a workout, actually." Once she has properly caught her breath, she walks forward into the dead woods, looking around.
The trees are leafless and dead, even some that appear to be evergreens. The ground starts out as a mixture of grass and strangely scorched bits, like the aftermath of a fire, and leans more toward the latter farther in. Other than the sound of the young woman's footsteps, the area is eerily quiet.
The silence doesn't bother her much at first, but after a minute or so of walking she starts to look more nervous and tense. She pauses, taking a deep breath. "Okay, I'm being silly. There's nothing here! I'd hear it if there was.
"...Maybe..I should come up with a good character name? Just in case I run into anybody. It'd be nice to have a name to RP with."