RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
05-18-2016, 01:22 AM
1412 Wrote:Monster mage. You aren't human currently, after all.
zodiacSynthesis Wrote:Trigonometrist or Mimic Mage.
Beastnix Wrote:>Your only chance is an optimized batman wizard, they are op
Curris Wrote:Mimic Mage sounds good. Versatility at the cost of a bit of suffering for your art.
Consider if you have any friends or recollections of a family nearby.
Bakumaster Wrote:Definitely triginometrist.
Kíeros Wrote:> Qi caster.
Raf0096 Wrote:>Mimic Mage
{Meta: Vote Count Ranking:
Mimic Mage: 3
Monster Mage: 1
Qi Caster: 1
Trigonometrist: 2 - 2 (character dispreference)}
"Oh, sure, Batman Wizard, yeah, that'll definitely turn up a result."
Batman Wizard (Interpreted as "The OP Class"): 1,000+ results found. As in, all of them. Refine your search, stupid.
She blinks a couple of times. "So..every class is OP, but the class descriptions..huh. That actually makes sense."
She then taps the old search for "Blue Mage", then the "Mimic Mage" result.
You have selected:
Mimic Mage
Confirm Selection?
[Yes] [No]
"'s gotta be better than the math class." She taps the "Yes" button, and the center of the screen shifts to a skill tree with individual box graphics for each skill. There are exactly two skills, one of which has level 1 already provided. Her clothes shift around, turning into something like a well-cut ankle-length robe crossed with leather armor. It seems designed to allow a certain freedom of movement while affording a small measure of protection, and it's designed to stay close enough to one's body as to not usually get caught on the things a less practical, more ornate robe might be.
She closes her eyes in a brief wince before opening them again. "That felt..weird." She taps the already-learned skill's button, and the lower middle section of the screen comes up with a lengthy description of the "Learn" skill. "Holy cr** that's a wall of text. I'm glad I know how to speed read...
"..So apparently I have to be hit by a spell to be able to learn it, but then I have to actually spend skill points to be able to cast the spell I've learned. The higher a spell's level, the higher a level with the Learn skill I have to have to be able to spend skill points to know how to cast it. At, which costs what looks like an ungodly amount of skill points to reach, I become able to learn things that aren't exactly spells using the learn skill. Before then, if I'm hit by one of those things I don't get a copy of it in the skill tree like I would a spell too powerful for the current level of Learn. And the other skill.."
She taps that one.
"It's called Mixture Magic. Oh, that's interesting. I can actually make new skills to spend points on out of skills I already know. Which means I could cross spells from two different kinds of mages. There's a bunch of rules on how it works...this skill's level has to be at least as high as the level of Learn needed to learn the higher level of the two spells being combined. And apparently the results of mixing the same pair of spells are different depending on the Mimic Mage doing the mixing."
She drops her hand and looks around again, the screen disappearing by a mental command. "And, this class doesn't come with any weapons. So..I don't have anything to defend myself with until I learn some spells. I did get a few free skill points, apparently.
"...I remember all of my friends and family. They're all back on Earth. They said they chose randomly from all over, so it's not likely any of them were brought up here to play this game...but..they might be depending on me. I've got to get going."