PersonS {A Rejected Title and a False Explanation}

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PersonS {A Rejected Title and a False Explanation}
RE: PersonS {Elaboration and A Signature}
(05-16-2016, 08:34 PM)OrangeAipom Wrote: »Do you think we will meet some day?
(05-17-2016, 01:36 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Do you accept hugs, and will my magical girl transformation do anything funny to my gender

(please be yes please be yes please be yes)
(05-17-2016, 02:07 AM)ForestGardener Wrote: »I have questions, but they aren't really ones you would think of at the last minute and I think it will be better for the narrative if Alvin discovers the answers on his own.

After some consideration, you decide to say:

I'll get to actually meet you at some point, right?

If the answer to that is yes, you figure anything really important can be asked when that happens. You start to look away, since that seems to be the mode for another message appearing, but notice the contract (which you let go of to type) is suspended in midair.

More text appears on the file:

Well, I'm actually here right now. But, yes, once I'm around again I think you'll probably have found out enough things on your own or from people who are allowed to tell you them, so we can have at least a little more normal conversation.

Could you

It stops there when you first look, and then the other words appear one or two at a time, with similar timing to someone pausing in the middle of a sentence.

try to make some friends, maybe? You always look so lonely.

After that, the pen lifts itself and signs the other line on the contract. The cursive is nearly illegible but you can tell the first name starts with a B. After that, the contract seems to roll itself up and then disappears. Your computer's screen briefly glitches out before returning to normal, the file still there. You save it and turn off the laptop for now.

You head back downstairs near seven, and meet up with the others for the commute to school. Greenhaven has public transportation modeled after cities in Europe and Japan, where it actually is possible to get most places from the trains. Students ride free (or, on tax money you guess).

On the train, you take a seat and turn up your music. You already know what stop to watch for.

There are a few minutes of peace before someone interrupts you. "Heey!"
The person in question is an overweight guy (his gut evident despite wearing loose clothes) with glasses and a huge goofy grin on his face. He's pale enough to suggest he doesn't get much sun, and just generally strikes you as a nerd.
"I've never seen you around before. Are you the new guy at Wisteria?" Since you're wearing huge over-the-head phones that practically scream 'please don't try to start a conversation with me', he must be either not all that observant or just really stubbornly intent on meeting a new person.


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RE: PersonS {Answers and Arrival} - by Xindaris - 05-21-2016, 02:03 AM