Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:> Try pulling it.

You pull it. There is a quiet but still audible click. In an instant everything around you is illuminated. You are staring up at a single lightbulb dangling from a cord. That thing you pulled actually was a bottle cap tied to a string, just like you guessed. It is worth noting that the string is specifically of a hemp-twine make and the bottle cap is from the Soda Marsouin Company. Well, it’s good you found a light source. Hopefully you can find more. Exploring this massive labyrinth hidden in a tiny shack will be very difficult in the dark.
When you look down from the light above you see four walls. Four shabby, wooden walls made of rotten boards filled with holes. There are two cracked windows on opposite sides to your left and right. You can see your brother’s truck outside of the one to your left. The door you entered is shut behind you. There appear to be two trapdoors, one is on the ceiling and the other is on the floor. Other than the dirt and sawdust beneath your feet, there isn’t much else in here. This appears to be a perfectly normal shack. It also noticeably appears to NOT be the massive complex of mazes and oubliettes you were led to believe it would be. Those fucking lights lied to you! Actually, this shack looks smaller on the inside. Outside, it was big enough you had to make an ordeal of driving the truck around it. Inside, the walls are only about ten paces apart from each other. You can tell you’re not just in a smaller room surrounded by more rooms because the windows allow you to see directly outside. Not to mention you can see through the walls’ many holes, as well. That thing you ran into earlier was actually just the wall currently in front of you. This would be incredibly disappointing if you just weren’t so pissed off about it.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-12-2016, 03:40 AM