Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
[April Fools Update]

Quote:> Try pulling it.

Yes. The most logical, and the only, course of action is to pull it. You do so. With gusto and ease. As you lower your arm with complete masterful pulling skills you hear a heavy click that indeed confirms your domination an all things that can be pulled. The reward for your fantastic display is many blinding lights flashing to life and glaring all around you. After your eyes adjust, you take in your surroundings. You are surrounded by an endless void stretching off into infinity in all directions. Within the void that surrounds you is an innumerable amount of massive, explosive thermonuclear devices. It also appears the string you just pulled was a trigger. A large timer begins to countdown starting at five minutes. The only way to deactivate the countdown is to input the correct deactivation code. The deactivation code is, by chance, a sequence of bodily movements that perfectly coincide with escaping from a locked truck. There is a to-scale model of a truck attached to the bomb’s countdown timer. If you hurry you can input the code before it’s too late!
After careful consideration you decide that it’s not worth it to go through that ordeal again. There are even snakes in this truck as well. No,no. You decide to spend the last few minutes of your life lounging on the floor to relax after a hard evening’s trials. They’re pretty good.
Once the timer hits zero every bomb detonates and you are dissolved into a puff of atoms. The explosion created by the temporally infinite number of nuclear devices quickly envelopes the globe and moves beyond. At a speed many times greater than light, the explosion stretches into the cosmos and in a mere matter of hours, completely dissolves the universe and the whole of creation.


Score: 999 out of 10

Stuff Ab0ut T3h Pl8y3r:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-12-2016, 03:27 AM