Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:>Truck: Level up from slaying those snakes.

The combined experience your brother’s truck receives from killing the snakes and completing a quest is just enough for it to level up. Its rank increases from Rank 1 Mud Masher to Rank 2 Snake Smasher. It also receives a stat bonus of +3d6 worth of extra damage to all snake and snake-kin type creatures. The added 3 dice will hopefully bolster the truck’s, quite frankly, shameful dice pool of only 10d6. You’ll only get the 13 for snake-kin, though. Anything else and you’ve only got the truck stats that God/the mechanic gave you.
You do not receive any experience because you are not a truck.

Quote:> Drive into the shack.

Yeah, it’s about time too. Who thought getting to this fucking shack would end up being such a hassle? It should be fine now, you’ve figured it out. The shack is free before you and nothing is stopping you. Considering your recent luck with doors, is it worth your time to try opening it normally? Another question: why risk it? You’ve got the ultimate door opener with you right now. The newly christened Snake Smasher, a.k.a. your brother’s stupid, crappy truck that you’ve made a hobby out of regularly trashing. No effort, no chance of failure, and no skin off your nose.
You rev the truck up and start barreling forwards. A quick, clean smash through the front door ought to do it. It’s not a very big shack, but the truck should be able to fit. The shack is actually larger on the inside. Like from that show with the Swedish alien and his time traveling IKEA store. You’re positive that it’s larger on the inside because the Noise Lights told you so. Oh, you haven’t mentioned the Noise Lights yet? Well, how it happened was-
The truck smashes into the shack at a nearly break-neck speed. Instead of the shack’s front wall caving in, you see the front of the truck begin to crumple from the impact. The shack gets closer and closer to you as the vehicle continues forward with its velocity. With no more room under the hood the engine begins to force its way into the truck’s cabin. It catches on your right leg. Oh, tough luck. You’re not going to be able to get that back. As the truck moves further still the steering wheel begins to press against your chest. It pushes against you to the point of being uncomfortable, and then keeps on pushing. It, well, you… The bottom line is you get squished, sorry about that.
Wow, that shack is pretty sturdy, huh? It looks like those snakes got the last laugh anyway.


You quickly shake your head as you are once again made aware of your surroundings. Oh no, you had another one of those vision things. These things are seriously distracting. A person could get hurt if they just keep spontaneously getting forced into having daydreams. What if it happened while you were driving? You could get in an accident.
Your situation is still the same as it was a moment before. You’re sitting in a running truck parked a distance away from the shack that is your current destination and a pile of twitching snake gore. Yep, it’s still not very nice to look at. You’re just going to keep trying to not look at it. Maybe pretend it isn’t there. Whatever works.

Quote:>Player: Drive back to the shed and go inside carefully.

You shift the truck into gear and slowly proceed forward. You cautiously turn around the pile of stuff that you’re pretending isn’t there and loop around the back of the shack. There’s just barely enough room for the truck to fit through and it gets scraped by a few branches as it makes its way around. You stop the truck next to the shack’s side while you face the way you came. If you have to make a quick getaway, you can just go in a straight line. Since the locks on the truck’s doors have been broken you have to roll the window down and crawl out that way. Your feet finally touch ground as you feel the cool, musty forest air. The light is rapidly fading as dusk gives way to night. Now, here comes the easy part. You just need to casually walk to the front door, turn the knob, and walk in like a normal person. There’s no need to do anything rash-

Quote:>Put as much distance between you and the snakes as possible!

Oh yeah, the snakes. You look over your shoulder and- DAMMIT, you were trying to forget they were there! You see the still twitching and quivering mass of snake blood and guts. You even hear a few weak gurgles and pitiful shrieks as the last few snakes that haven’t bled out yet breathe their last few breaths. With this jolt of unpleasantness you quickly fling the shack’s door open and bolt inwards. You get fewer than ten steps inside before you crash into something solid and fall over backwards. The door slams shut behind you. You are in near total darkness.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-12-2016, 02:46 AM