Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:> Put the keys in and see what the next thing is that fails miserably.

Well, you have the keys. That’s one goal met. Considering how things have been going so far, though, you wonder if it’s even worth it to try the key in the ignition. In all likelihood the engine is clogged with snakes or something and the truck will explode, or maybe the truck will fall apart and the snakes will eat you. However it fails, hopefully it’s at least interesting. You insert the truck’s key into the ignition and turn.
The engine starts up and roars exactly as it should. Huh, that’s surprising. Another goal has been accomplished. You really aren’t sure what to do next. You weren’t expecting to get this far. Your attention is drawn outside. The roar of the engine and the truck's vibrations seem to have really pissed off all the gut snakes outside. Even more than they already were. The few that are still in the truck’s bed are thrashing around. You can also hear the snakes on the truck’s roof making a racket. The snakes all around you are shrieking too. Shrieking really loudly. Everywhere. If you weren’t still so damn impressed that you actually got the truck running this would all be very terrifying. Like something out of a living nightmare. Ho-hum.
A few more snakes start dropping down past your slightly open window. Even though they’re probably too large to fit you quickly roll it up just to be safe. Yeah, so, the truck’s running. What now?


"AUGH!" There’s no need to shout! Right, drive. Driving is good. Movement. Movement is the goal here. Drive where? Going forward is the shack, but if you barrel forward you’d just crash into it. Left and right are full of trees. Then the best course of action is-
You shift the truck into reverse and floor the gas pedal. You barrel backwards at high velocity. The snakes on the roof and hood lose their purchase and slide off. You hear moist crunching as the snakes beneath the truck are crushed into paste. The snakes in the truck's bed slam into the wall behind you. They make it clear that they’re not pleased, but, then, they really don’t get a say in the matter, do they? After you put some distant between you and the swarm of snakes ahead, you hit the brake. The snakes left in the bed slam into the opposite wall. They don’t make as much noise this time.
Deep breaths, deep breaths. You’re running on adrenaline right now. Okay, what’s next?

Quote:>Roll down the window, open the vial of blood and throw it as far as you can in the opposite direction of the shack. Try to throw it against a tree or a rock or something so that it breaks and the snakes can smell it more easily.

The snakes in the truck’s bed appear to be dazed. Hopefully they won’t be a problem. You hit the button and roll the window down all the way. You shift the truck into park and lean out the window as far as you can. You take out the vial of blood and pop the cap off. You need to do this right. You spout the first one-liner you can think of. “It was snakes to meet you!”
Was that a good one-liner? With all your strength you toss the vial at the swarm. The vial doesn’t hit any trees or rocks, but it does land on the crushed snakes you left during your mad dash backwards.
The moment the first drop of blood hits the ground the snakes stop shrieking and the forest goes completely silent. There is a single brief chorus of the snake’s gurgling howls as they make a beeline for where the vial landed in a pile of their pasted brethren. Even the snakes that were still in the truck’s bed spill over its sides to get there.
With the scent of prey’s blood is mixed with their own, they all converge into a mass and begin attacking one another. They strike and bite and tear into each other. They even indulge in their *traditional* feeding method. It’s one big slithering swarm of gore and violence. Good lord, that sound is unbearable. It’s not very pleasant to look at either.

1 vial of blood removed from inventory.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-12-2016, 02:27 AM