Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief

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Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief
RE: Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief
Madeline decided it didn’t matter where they sat, as long as it was with her new acquaintances, so she sat down at the table with the one silver humanoid brooding by himself. As they approached him Madeline could see that this man had silver hair which covered his body, some places with more hair than others. He had an almost wolf-like quality to his appearance, while still looking distinctly human, more so than many of the aliens she had seen up to this point.

“Hello!” she said, greeting the man as they sat down.

“Yeah, Hi.” The man mumbled, a mouth full of a bite he had taken out of a tin can, which he then placed back on his tray.

The four of them sat in silence as they ate. Madeline eventually piped up. “So James, where are you and Mr. Abyssal from?”

“Oh! Well I was actually born and raised in San Francisco.”

“San Francisco... California?” Madeline responded, dumbfounded.

“Yeah, well technically in the San Francisco bay. Plenty of non-humans are born on earth. It’s more common for the Greys to spawn their young here since they reach adulthood fairly fast, but it happens with other offworlders on occasion, and the company will house them in a facility like this. I’ve been part of the company since I was born, though it’s gone through significant changes in my life. It’s much more mellow than it was even ten years ago.”

“Wow, so technically you aren’t even an alien!” Joked Madeline, laughing.

“You’re making a joke, but I don’t really consider myself to be one, no. Of course I could never participate in human activities like some of the reptilians and greys can.”

“Oh, That’s too bad, I bet you would have made lots of friends. What about Mr. Abyssal? Where is he from?”

“The Abyssal is from my species homeworld. That planet has two dominant forms of life who generally exist in separate spheres, The Abyssals in great depths, and my people floating above that. Although, my particular ancestral genetic traits made my kin smaller than most of our fellow Selachii and gave us the adaptation to survive in higher pressure systems which is why me and the big guy can live in the same little fishbowl here. Selachii have a very diverse genetic pool, though we’re pretty much always carnivores.”

“Like the reptilians!”

“Hm yes, although they have a really wide genetic pool for different reasons than us. For the Selachii, our ecosystems are highly isolated from each-other, so over many generations we adapted to our particular environments, giving us distinct features and genetic abilities while still giving us the ability to interbreed with other ‘races’ of Selachii.”

“Why is that different from the reptilians?” Inquired Madeline.

The silvery wolfman interrupted with a fierce energy “Because the reptilians forcibly convert any lower carbon based life forms that fit their genetic specifications... And they have the audacity to call it ‘Uplifting.’”

James looked uncomfortable, “Yes, well, all the different species do what they have to to survive... You should know that as an Alloian, your traditions are as steeped in survival as any.”

The man snapped back angrily “Do I look like a full alloian, you little fish? I never even completed a full rotation on my planet. I consider myself just as human as you consider yourself earthling.”

Madeline attempted to stop another argument before it broke out, counteracting the negativity with a chipper attitude. “Wow! Inter-species politics are more complicated than I could ever imagine!”

The silver stranger was shaken from his bout of rage by this and agreed, “You don’t know the half of it.”

James nodded, “It’s why we’re all here, at the end of the day. An endless quest for homeostasis.”

Apparently the group was collectively out of things to say, and they sat in an another awkward silence. The alloian finished with all the metal items on his tray lifted it up to his mouth and took a bite crunching loudly.

Madeline attempted to break the awkwardness, “So... Why was this place built under Grand Horizons anyway?”

The alloian found this to be an entertaining question and put down his meal, “Ha! Well, the western governments of earth figured out deception a long time ago. See, back in the forties, when the Americans were trying to hide some new piece of technology, they would dress their soldiers up in gorilla costumes, put them in a bowler hat and hand them a cigar so that anyone who happened to see the pilot of the newest top-secret jetfighter wouldn’t be able to describe the incident without sounding insane. Any rational human might believe that the government is sending stuff into space from Area 51, but who is going to believe a that a theme park is housing aliens and launching rockets?”

“Probably conspiracy theorists.” Said Madeline.

“Exactly, and then it gets buried with the other thousands of insane theories. Really, this place is kind of optimal for the company. For one thing, the regular fireworks shows are a great way to disguise the launches, and the sounds of the roller-coasters are perfect for masking any loud testing coming from down here. Also the base’s proximity to the local airport is right in the median of being far away enough that nobody thinks the rockets are being launched from there and close enough to it to make the helicopters coming from the base a little less suspicious. And if anyone of the ‘visitors’ happen to wander out of the base on accident, the average human will just assume it’s park related. Hiding things in plain sight is the name of the game.”

“This is all so interesting, I can't believe how much I’ve learned about earth and the universe just in this morning.”

“Yes, well I think it's about time to go. It was nice to meet you Madeline.” He abruptly got up and walked away, leaving the half eaten tray at the table.

Madeline looked surprised at the mention of her name “Man news really gets around here fast, I’m astonished at how many people know who I am! Who was that?”

James looked puzzled, “Honestly, I don't really know, I haven’t seen him around this base before. I would have guessed he was an offworlder, but there aren’t too many half-humans out there... Oh, I almost forgot, we can probably go see the spaceship before I have to take you to the combat room. But we’ll have to hurry. Do you still want to go?”

Madeline shoveled the rest of her mac and cheese into her mouth. Energetically exclaiming with a mouth full of food. “Yeth, pleathe!”

Leaving the cafeteria, they arrived at a laboratory after winding down a veritable labyrinth of hallways.

Opening the door james exclaimed, “Well this is it!”

Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to read my adventure Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief! Thanks!
[Image: 8zbr3I4.png]
Dope ass dragon created by the incomparable Earthexe

Messages In This Thread
Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief - by Colby - 04-23-2016, 10:00 AM
RE: Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief - by Colby - 05-11-2016, 10:54 PM