Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.

Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
RE: Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
I think Bobert captures my thoughts pretty much exactly. Adventures like Art of Domination which have VERY in depth strategy posts pretty much require reading in to it. It's at least half the fun of the comic! But for many adventures I enjoy a mirror a lot more. I'm so easily distracted sometimes that if we're in a cooling period in the comic (where little to no action is going on) sometimes I'll get flat out distracted by something in someone's sig and trail off to another webpage after setting a bookmark.

Also yeah time to time if there's a lot of posts between updates someone can miss the author's post and have to backtrack in confusion.

A mirror semi affects my willingness to read an adventure. A good opening will make me read the adventure no matter what format but a mirror makes me read a few more pages if the opening to the adventure didn't draw me in automatically. Basically at least for me, a mirror allows the author a little more time to bring out their hook.

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