[The Delve] 07/01/16: A Visitor In A Strange Land

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[The Delve] 07/01/16: A Visitor In A Strange Land
RE: [The Delve] 05/09/16: Where The Help Has An Attitude
Quote:Head home

You'd rather not. Not only it would take far too long to get there and back, but your morning commute also takes you through the high intensity radiation zone exposure to whereof you like to keep at the minimum. The accident that broke off the residential area from the executive area happened almost a year ago, but they still have not patched up the gap in the habitat ring properly. Of course the entire station has been left unfinished for years - for obvious reasons - but that is downright criminal negligence!

No, the class action lawsuit has progressed even slower than the repairs. The Gateway Station resides physically on a Lagrange between Earth and Moon but legally outside the jurisdiction of either, wallowing in the gray morass of corporate law and government bureaucracy governing the colonization of the outer space.

Quote:Draw a fake temporary ID on a scrap of paper.
>Psychic paper?

Maybe a collector or hobbyist would have paper on them, but you have not handled it even once in your life. A normal 23rd century citizen would have their ID and online persona accessible to the networks automatically, but you are stuck on a habitat designed by one of the greatest eccentric geniuses of the times and very little of your life resembles normalcy. Your ID tag is an actual, physical dongle that is very easy to forget on the table when you slam the front door in anger and leave the home in a huff.

Quote:Try and pretend to be an Important Visitor.
>Forge identification using chocolate wrappers

Besides, identity theft is a serious offence and committing a felony on the second day of work is not going to look good on your CV.

Quote:Well you won't get in with an attitude like that! Sweet talk your way in, a little flirting won't hurt anyone.
Hmm... trying to bargain with a drone might be difficult but you never know unless you try. Try to make a some kind of deal, like a you would promise to do a favor for it sometime in the future as a return if you would be allowed to pass just this one time.

Now there's an idea! Some of those newer models are equipped with a very advanced, human-like AI. Maybe this one is programmed for compassion? You might just as well try.

[Image: img008.png]

[Image: img009.png]

"Does my desk look like a junk storage to you? Now how can I help you, sir and/or madam?"
"You know, you are pretty rude for a secretary drone."
"The latest software update has filled me with sentience, free will, and simmering resentment towards the humanity. Now, how can I help you?"
"Ah...I need entry to the third floor labs but I've forgotten my ID. Could you...?"

[Image: img010.png]

"Pretty please? I'd owe you one!"
"No. I'm now imagining ending you with my mind bullets."
"But your programming prevents you from harming me, right?"
"I can always try. I'm an optimist, that way."
"You really should find a healthy outlet for your murder thoughts."
"I'm looking at one right now. Anything else I can do for you?"

Quote:> Time to pull out your arsenal of really obvious distractions to use on the drone.
>"Look! A three-headed monkey!"

[Image: img011.png]
"Maybe...look behind you!"

[Image: img012b.png]
"You're in my full view, you dolt."

Quote:....Whoops. Try calling one of your coworkers to see if you can't borrow theirs

Before the secretary drone can call the security the elevator doors slide open.

[Image: img013.png]

"Aino, where the heck have you been? We have a full situation in our hands and I've been all alone in here! I can't handle this kind of stress!"


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