Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.

Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
RE: Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
Self inserts is a real make it or break it situation for me. I know there have been more then a few times I dropped a webcomic because the author would throw in a self insert and make the whole story, or at least the current arc, revolve around them. It really strikes me as weird and a little awkward and I tend to drop the story if the arc runs too long and I wasn't that invested in the story in the first place.*

There have been a few self inserts I've seen that improved the comic instead of kicking me away but those are very few and far between. So yeah be careful when putting in self inserts, it can work but if not done just right it can totally turn off readers. You want to avoid having your story suddenly revolve around yourself or having the arc basically turn what feels like a drug psa.

*This isn't counting webcomics that are suppose to be about the author and/or their lives because those comics were designed to be about the author instead of throwing them in midway.

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