Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.

Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
RE: Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
There isn't anything inherently bad with alt accounts when used to build a story. But it is easy to lose track of who's aware of the story and who isn't.

Knask did a good job of this with AwakeLemon back in the day. Keeping AwakeLemon to making adventure updates, and occasionally popping out of the thread.

When the story starts being told outside of the thread, however, there will be people who don't know what's going on and might feel like they're being mocked when they find out. Others though, might misinterpret an attempt for clarification as an attempt to shut down the role-play, and take offense.

It's one of those cases where no-one tries to be a dick, but can come across like it anyway. The real solution, I think, is to put the role-play on hold for a while and focus on the real relationships above the imaginary ones.

Bloody Beatrice is a fun adventure, and the ms paint art is endearing! I also really, enjoy Farewell as a character, but I agree that the role-play has caused more confusion and frustration than enjoyment for most here.

I do hope the adventure continues, though! The character designs all have an adorable quality to them, Farewell included!

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