Strandido - Crab-sposition

Strandido - Crab-sposition
RE: Strandido - Radio Show assisted Montage
>Turn on the radio. Gotta have some tunes while you investigate all this junk!

[Image: STRN_Panel102.gif]

Yeah! Wait, these don't sound like sensual sounds and melodies at all, in fact it more sounds like some manner of radio talkshow. Let's listen.
-Good Afternoon Casper Island, this is the One O'Clock show, and I'm your host August Rhodes.-


[Image: STRN_Panel103.png]

-Top of the order for our show, earlier today, that Old Wisewoman on the north end of the island reported some strange signs in the soup, foretelling a cataclysmic future of death destruction and armageddon for us all!-

>Take three random items out of your inventory and put them on those squares on the science platform, then press the green button again.

[Image: STRN_Panel104.gif]


[Image: STRN_Panel105a.gif]

-Ordinarily I'd be advising you heed these warinings most diligently, dear listeners,-

[Image: STRN_Panel105b.gif]

-but I've been informed by the most honest and gracious Enlightened Wizard of the Island, that there is nothing to be worried about, and that that Old Women is probably just senile or something. Still though, something to contemplate.-

>Consult green crab on the scientific implications of this device.

[Image: STRN_Panel106.gif]

-Anyway, our next order of business, dear friends, I've heard from the Swallows that we have a new guest or two on the Island, while I've not seen them yet, and can't confirm of their disposition, I can speculate that they'll be a lovely addition to our community,-

>Put one of the crabs in the console, stand on the pad and tell them to press the button.

[Image: STRN_Panel107.gif]

-and I suggest you give them a warm welcome. Now you might've noticed the weather took a strange turn all of a sudden,-


[Image: STRN_Panel108.gif]

-maybe that's related to these new guests? Maybe, It's rather weird aint it, strangers show up on the Island and all of a sudden a storm whips up, hmm, maybe that Senile Old Spinster ain't completely out of it completely.-

>put the lady's picture in the slot

[Image: STRN_Panel109.gif]

-Eh, what else have we got on the docket, ah yes, those Skeletal Soldier weirdos are still being weird, graverobbing, skeleton nabbing, being all around antisocial and weird, steer clear of them new guests, if you are listening, they'll probably eat your flesh or something I don't know, I don't pretend to understand the mores and behaviours of weird skeleton people.-

>Put the two plush dames and the picture on the green platform and then turn it on again

[Image: STRN_Panel110a.png]

-But oh, it appears we're out of time. I'll leave you off with these parting remarks to our dear new friend, if they're listening anyway-

[Image: STRN_Panel110b.gif]

-Make yourself comfortable stranger, our dear island is strange, and dangerous, but most importantly, its very possessive, escape is very much outside the realm of any realistic proposition. So welcome, to Casper Island. This has been August T. Rhodes, signing off, until next time.


[Image: STRN_Panel111.png]

Wait what did the radio say, you sort of tuned it out, but you think you heard something along the lines of 'escape is impossible'.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...

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