Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:> Channel MacGyver with the coat hangers.
>Use coat hangers to assemble a key retrieval device.

Probably being your only option left short of burrowing through the truck’s bottom like a prairie dog, your mind is awash with countless MacGyver-esque Rube Goldberg devices. What autonomous mega-machines can you concoct? There are so many possibilities. You begin humming the MacGyver theme as you set to work. Will you make a flexible super claw, a winch, an ultra-crane? The sky is the limit. Wait, yes, that’s it! The sky! You can construct a rotary system entirely out of coat hangers to power a number of helicopter blades, also coat hangers, to allow the truck to take flight. Once up in the air you can tilt the truck-a-copter just enough to dump out all the snakes. When they all fall to their deaths you will be safe enough to continue with your shack quest. First things first, since you lack access to the truck’s combustion engine you’ll need to make a pedal system to-


You are unable to make a device that complicated without the proper mechanics ability. The best you can manage is to make a long wire hook.
With your key retrieval method finally constructed you begin the delicate procedure of hooking the key. Now that the snakes are so riled up you decide to keep what little of your arm that can fit out the window inside. Slowly and steadily the wire hook makes its way to the antennae where the keys are hanging. Outside the snakes appear to be getting everywhere. While more are still tumbling out of the truck’s bed a large number of them are on the ground striking and lashing out at anything and everything all the while howling and shrieking with barely contained animalistic rage. There is another sound of movement from above when a snake peeks down at you over the roof’s edge through the window. You get a close view of its four rows of teeth and two tongues as it tries to get to you by forcing itself through the window’s opening. It snaps its jaws a few times before it gives up and drops to the ground. Most likely to try and find another way inside. You finally hook the keys and quickly pull them in.

1 Keys added to your inventory.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-05-2016, 05:46 AM