Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:> Put on the glove to gain the powers of whom you got it from.

Sure, that sounds reasonable enough. This glove is one of your prized possessions, after all. It’s also probably the most valuable thing you own. Funny story, how you got this. A bunch of limited-edition designer gloves were shipped to Nordstrom; you didn’t know about it before hand, you just happened to be stealing hubcaps in the parking lot on the big day when the gloves were put in stock. Seeing a huge gathering of people willing to maul each other made you decide that whatever they wanted was worth having. After shoving your way to the front of the line you had to fight a guy for the last pair. You ended up clubbing him with a bust of Chip Wilson. You didn’t have any money for the cashier, but you were intent to pay for the gloves with hubcaps. Instead of making you pay for the gloves, she just let you have them. As you recall, her words were something along the lines of:
“Oh my god! What did you do to that guy? Is that blood? I’m calling the police!”
Anyway, that was really nice of her. The police even contained the mob while you drove away in your brother’s truck. You also sideswiped a few cars, but, again, it’s not your truck.
It’s a shame you don’t have the glove’s mate right now. You don’t quite remember what you did with it. Oh well, you’ll probably find it again eventually. As you slide the glove on your left hand you feel a distant, tingling surge of energy. It crackles on your hand like a gauntlet of power. A regular power glove. An understanding dawns on you as your mind floods with visions of cash registers, money, and 1980’s power ties. The power of commerce is at the cusp of your fingertips. Or, they would be if the glove wasn’t fingerless. Before you can fully grasp this new power it fades from you. Only managing to halfway power up before shutting down. It looks like you need the other glove, wherever that is, before you can make full use of the commerce power.

1 blood stained cool-guy's finger-less glove removed from inventory
1 blood stained cool-guy's finger-less glove added to person as clothing

Quote:>Use the extend-o-grab to get the keys

Now there’s an idea. All you need to do is grab the keys with the grabber, start up the truck, do something else, and then you’re in the clear. It’s about time, too. You had a bunch of good ideas before that didn’t work. I wasn’t the ideas’ faults either. By all rights they could’ve and should’ve worked. It’s just that little things kept getting in the way. Stupid little things. The window’s not open wide enough, the key’s missing, there’s not enough room to dance. It’s like you’re being railroaded. No, this is actually worse than being railroaded. At least on a railroad you move forward. You literally haven’t been able to go anywhere. It’s like if a room had a bunch of obvious exits, but every time you try to use one the door seals itself because the great game of life says so. Yeah, well suck it whatever hackneyed, vague entity of self-importance constructed this shoddy truck/snake scenario. You and your ideas punched through this farce with cold, hard logic.
You angle the extend-o-grab towards the gap in the window. When the claw goes outside you’ll swing it towards the antenna and grab the key, quick and easy. You pull down the trigger and the grabber extends. The grabber’s claw is too big, apparently, and catches on the window and door. You are flung to the opposite door and slam into it bodily. The entire truck lurches to its side before slamming back down on the ground. A rising wail of bloody murder screeches from the truck’s bed. The wind is knocked from you. The large pile of wire coat hangers are sent scattered. A few of the hangers’ hooks catch on the back of your shirt, pants, and keister.



What, pray tell, did you do wrong this time?! Did you need to spin the grabber around three times first? Where you supposed to have summoned the truck god three weeks ago to gain favor to help you now in the present? Were you supposed to do any innumerable amount of convoluted things that no person of sound mind would ever conceive of? What exactly are you supposed to do? You are not being railroaded; you’re stuck in a box! Why didn’t the glass break if the claw was too large? Is it made from indestructible diamond based alloy? Is that it? You stop mid-rant to pull wire coat hanger hooks out of your now tenderized backside. Their shape bends and stretches as you handle them. These damn things are worthless at everything. They probably can’t even hold up coats.
The truck is violently shaking back and forth. Looking out the window you see the snakes jerking and thrashing. They’ve begun spilling out over the sides of the truck bed. A few are even working their way over the top of the truck. You see a large one slither down the front windshield onto the hood and over the edge out of sight onto the ground.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-04-2016, 09:29 PM