Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:> Well, if the keys are in the last place you look, swear to look nowhere else besides your pocket. That way, when you look in your pocket, they will be there.

That’s… That’s a… That’s a really good idea, actually. Your keys are absolutely always in the last place you look. If you resolve to make sure the first place you look is also the last place, then logically the keys will be there. Oh, you conniving genius, you. Always finding ways around the system. Classic Joe.


A Kall to Keys
Codex: "You have unlocked a new ability. The ability “A Kall to Keys” allows you to find any type of key or keys in any place you choose to look. However, the place you look must be large enough to contain the keys you wish to find, you cannot know where the keys are (they must be “lost”), and you must have had the keys in your possession at least once.
You may check the abilities menu in the player statistics tab. You may only have three abilities active at once. You can also only switch your abilities twice every in-game day."

Quote:> Roll down the window as little as is needed to fully get your arm through, then reach out to get the keys.
>Roll down the window, open the vial of blood and throw it as far as you can in the opposite direction of the shack. Try to throw it against a tree or a rock or something so that it breaks and the snakes can smell it more easily.
>While they're distracted by that, climb out the side of the truck nearest the shack, grab the keys if you don't already have them, and run like hell into the shack.

As you search the door for the window crank you instead find a button. The widows are electric and will not roll down unless the engine is running. Just to make sure, you check the locks as well. The locks are one of those pushpin set-ups you can find in older vehicles. The doors have been locked and the pins broken, off sealing the truck doors firmly shut. The obvious design flaws are glaring you in the face. Who the hell builds cars like this? You can only fit your arm through the window’s narrow opening halfway up to your forearm. The keys are too far to reach this way. If you did try to throw the vial of blood out the window, with your arm restricted, you wouldn’t be able to toss it very far. The snakes would swarm too close for your comfort.

Quote:>Go ahead and get rid of blood-stained glove, too; you don't want to give those snakes any more reason to attack you.

YOU TAKE THAT BACK! How could you even consider that? This glove is a precious collector’s item. A limited, vintage piece. There are only a handful of these left in the world. Not to mention that it’s going to make you a decent amount of money someday. It was also a gift.
Wait… You and you. Exactly who’s being addressed here?

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-04-2016, 06:50 PM