Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:> Use snake catching kit then read the note.

Oh, yeah. This thing. It sure is lucky that you have this. The salesman warned you about the danger that snakes pose. Going on about how they could be everywhere spying on you; hiding behind doors, watching you while you sleep, stealing your breakfast cereal, and taking pictures of you while you bathe. You thought he was full of crap, despite the pictures of you in the shower he had to prove it. The only reason you bought the kit is because it was so cheap. He only wanted an ID and credit card. You gave him your brother’s.
Unlatching the Snake Catching Kit you peer inside. The kit contains: an extend-o-grab, a mallet, a pistol, and a vial of blood.
You suppose some of these items might be useful against the snakes if they get rowdy. The others, you couldn’t even begin to guess.
4 new items added to your inventory.
Now that its purpose has been completed, the Snake Catching Kit dissolves into nothingness.
1 Snake Catching Kit has been removed from your inventory.
Remembering the note taped to the glove compartment, you snatch it up to read. It says:

“Joe, you fucking dipshit.
I already told you, you can’t borrow the truck. I know you’re just gonna take it anyway, so you better have it back by Friday, or else. I need it to pick up chicks. Also, if there is so much as one frickin’ scratch on it, I swear, I will make you eat your own face.
Big Bro”

You roll your eyes as you crumple up the note and toss it aside. You really have no idea why he gets so mad about this stuff. You wouldn’t have to take his truck so often if he would just let you use it. Another thing, his truck is so trashed and beaten up that it would hardly matter if it got a few more scratches. Granted, every single one of those dents and scratches is your fault, but that’s beside the point. The thing is he’s really just as guilty as you in all this. Maybe a little more… Actually, it’s entirely his fault.

Quote:> Bribe snakes into leaving with pennies and coupons.

You take a handful of pennies and a handful of coupons. You turn to the rear windshield. The snakes in the truck’s bed are still writhing and howling. One slithers up to the windshield and stares back at you. You wave the pennies and coupons tantalizingly before it. That’s right, you slithery son of a bitch. Take the bait, you know you want to. The snake is unmoved by your offer. Its head spines extend and its pupils contract as it fogs the window with its breath. It screeches and moves to strike you. Fortunately it only manages to bloody its nose on the windshield. It falls back into the mass, thrashing violently.
Damn. Well, it was a good idea, anyway.
Pennies and coupons added to your inventory.

Quote:> Look in the codex, to see if it has information regarding where your keys are.

Codex: "Since its very beginning, mankind has had secrets. Many secrets; so many secrets, in fact, that if they were not properly kept ordered and contained, they would flood out into the streets and bury anyone passing by in a mountain of hushed words. The most common method used to prevent such clutter is the lock and key. The lock is traditionally placed on an object or device with enough space to accommodate internal storage. The key is used to allow access to the secrets, objects, or secret objects kept inside to the key’s holder. It is encouraged that the key holder keeps said key and all copies to them-self as studies have shown that allowing unlimited public access to what the key guards defeats the purpose of having the lock and key in the first place.
It is worth noting that before the key’s invention the favored method of secret keeping was to hide the object underneath a large rock. The intention was for the rock’s sheer weight to dissuade any thieves considering the effort involved in moving it. The actual practice was that the object would be crushed, thus rendering it in a state no one would want to take. This practice took the prehistoric world by storm and explains why nearly all pots archaeologists find are broken.
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Also, an excessive amount of snake noise has been detected. Would you like assistance?"

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-02-2016, 03:45 AM