Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:> Hotwire it.

No keys? Pffft! Who cares? You’ve seen enough movies to know what comes next. You just need to pull out those wires beneath the steering wheel and cross two or more of them to make the engine purr like a puma. The damage to the vehicle is of no concern. It’s not like this truck is yours. You just need to get under the… Find the… Thing and do… The thing? As you stare blankly at where you imagine those magic wires might be you realize you have no idea how to hotwire a car or anything else. Dammit. Why did you drop out of Carjacker’s College?

Quote:> Check the seats, if the keys aren't there, grab a stick or something and jump into the pile of snakes before whacking them all to submission.

Yeah, uh, no. After that vision thing showed you being eaten alive you have deduced that throwing yourself into the pile of deadly, killer snakes is not only a bad idea, but the kind of thing that gets you nominated for a Darwin Award. This is an action that is most certainly not conducive to your long term, or even short term, well being. Finding a weapon along with the keys strikes you as a good idea, however. If one of them gets in the truck, perhaps you can scare it away with a well-placed bop to its snakely head.
You check beneath yourself to make sure you’re not sitting on them. The keys aren’t there. You also check the only other available seat, the passenger seat. Not there either. There is a pile of wire coat hangers instead. Not surprising. You did swipe your brother’s keys and take his truck while he was in the laundromat. He was making a huge fuss about a fancy dress. Anyway, you don’t find the keys in the seats, but that large pile of coat hangers could be useful. You’ll keep them in mind for later.

Quote:> Examine glove compartment, sun visor, cup holder and any other nooks and crannies where keys might be hiding.

You continue your search through the rest of the truck to find the keys. The glove compartment is being held closed with tape. There is also a note taped to it. The only thing inside the glove compartment is a ratty, old shoe. You find a pair of “decorative” brass balls hanging from the rear-view mirror. There’s nothing in the cup holder put a fistful of rusty pennies. The only thing noteworthy about the gear stick is the eight ball decal it has for a knob. Checking the visors yield only a cracked mirror and several expired food coupons. Scouring the floor only nets you dirt and garbage. Also, the cat plush toy suction-cupped to the widow is missing its tail.
So, you didn’t find the keys but you found some possibly useful items that can aid you on your pilgrimage. You found coat hangers, a crumby shoe, a note, and a whole mess of other stuff. That’s useful, right?

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-02-2016, 03:20 AM