Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:> Check out the codex.

You open up your inventory again and pull out the electronic codex. It is a small, palm-sized thing with hardly any weight to it. There appears to be no visible method of inputting information. No buttons or touch screen to speak of. The only distinct features are a small dome shaped wire speaker, the Softmind Softwaretm logo, and a small compartment clip on the back. Fiddling with the clip causes the codex to open up effectively splitting in half. As the bottom half swings idly on a pair tiny hinges, a folded paper tumbles out. It is an incomprehensible document of service agreements and legalese.

1 legalese document added to your inventory

Seeing the compartment open, you can see that there is barely any room left in the device for circuitry or anything else. The whole set up seems to exist for no other reason than for something the speaker can attach to.

Codex: "Thank you for the purchase of your eCodex brand electronic codex copyrighted by Softmind-"


Codex: "The function of this codex, gentle consumer, is simple and sincere. It is to provide you, yes you, with all the knowledge today’s busy person on the go will need to succeed and survive in the modern world. Too often have there been accidents that could have been avoided if only people knew how. Someone believes they can win in a fight against a bulldozer, another thinks the West Canadian Mind Peeler will make a great pet, and another gets his undergarments caught on a tree branch and accidentally wedgies himself to death. It all happens and it can all be avoided. The eCodex exists as the finest repository of knowledge to be consulted on any and all matters outside your understanding.
The Softmind Softwaretm Company accepts no responsibility for accidents fatal or otherwise resulting in the misuse or proper use of the information provided by this product. Any and all purchases are final. Plagiarism and copyright breaches will be dealt with swiftly and horribly. There is no warranty."

Quote:> Look outside for the source of the sound.

Looking out the front and side windows shows no immediate signs of life close by. The trees are thick enough to prevent you from seeing anything too far away. Looking behind you out the rear window shows you immediately what the cause of both the truck's movement and that ungodly noise. In the bed of the truck is a massive, writhing pile of snakes.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-02-2016, 02:41 AM