Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
You hear the soft pitter-patter of rain on metal. You open your eyes to the sight of the torn and tattered ceiling of a truck. You can also see the dome light that doesn’t work. This is your brother’s truck. The truck is erratically jostling back and forth. You can also hear a loud and constant sound. A large number of similar sounds, actually. If you had to describe it, which you do, you would say it sounds like a loud chorus of banshees gargling water through a solid piece of tin. Looking forward through the windshield, you see that you are deep in the woods with the only sign of civilization being a small run down shack off in the distance. It’s actually no mystery how you got here. You “borrowed” your brother’s truck with the express purpose of finding that shack over there. It is a mystery, however, that while you remember arriving you don’t remember falling asleep. Asleep for a considerable amount of time, even. It was still morning when you arrived and now it’s dusk.

You look down at yourself. The first thing you always do when you wake up from an unplanned sleeping session is to make sure you still have all your clothes on. Every article is accounted for. You open your inventory to check if everything is still there as well. It contains:

1 can of dehydrated cans, add water for more cans
1 blood stained cool-guy's fingerless glove, collector's preference
1 book titled Staying Delicious: Keep Your Cool as a Fool
1 snake catching kit
1 electronic codex, a product of Softmind Softwaretm

Everything in there is accounted for as well. Except, you don’t remember owning an electronic codex since this morning. Or ever.

The truck is still shaking, that horrible noise is still there, and it will be dark soon.
What’cha gonna do?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-02-2016, 02:36 AM