Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
<The following posts have been re-posted from a previous, shut-down forum. There will be a note when the re-posts end and standard reader commands begin. Please, have a read. Enjoyment is mandatory but partly negotiable.>

Thank you for the purchase of your copy of Noise Lights: A Text Adventure copyrighted by Softmind Softwaretm. The install wizard will walk you through the installation process. Would you prefer the recommended settings for installation or custom settings?


You have chosen the recommended settings for installation. You will now be walked through a step by step installation to cater to your preferences of game play.
To ensure that the graphical and musical quality of this text adventure fits your computer please specify if you wish for the game to run in either an 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit level of quality.


You have chosen 32-bit which is just shy of the maximum 64-bit setting. It is good to see that today’s senior citizens are willing to step outside of their comfort zone and try modern games despite being stuck in last generation’s era of computers. You are a shining example; a lone beacon for lost souls. Striding forward in a confusing world that has forgotten you until you have reached some form of mutual understanding. You will learn, and you will be remembered. You won’t let something like using an inferior coal powered computer slow you down. No, sir-ee.


Sometimes it’s good to be a follower. Some might call it caving in to peer pressure while others will call it a team dynamic. A group mentality helps you make friends. You don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb do you? Everyone’s eyes staring at you and judging you. The mocking, hurtful things they’ll whisper behind your back just like in middle school. Everyone else is using 64-bit and so should you.


Whoa there, nelly! Careful where you toss that exclamation point around, you could poke someone’s eye out. Seriously, hitting enter that hard will damage your keyboard. Now then, are you sure you want to run the game in 64-bit? A preliminary scan shows that running the game in 64-bit will cause your computer to catch fire and melt right off your desk. You really need to consider the limits of your hardware. These devices are expensive to replace.

>… 32-bit

You have chosen to run the game in 32-bit. Next you need to decide what resolution you would like the game to be displayed in. Would you prefer to display the game in 144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, or 1080p?


Wait, REALLY? You’re running the game in 32-bit and you expect your steam powered choo-choo pc to be able to go hi-def? Are you for real? Look spanky, this is a top of the line text adventure. The graphical prowess of this master work pushes even the best computers to the max. The font in this game will blow your fucking mind. What’s next? Are you going to set it to 60 frames? I bet you will. Fine, that’s what you want and that’s what you’ll get. Boom! It’s done. 1080p AND 60 frames.

>30 frames

Ha-Ha, no.
This is the last step. The Softmind Softwaretm game company is sponsored by the Blindenführblind online search engine. If you wish to install this search engine’s toolbar say “yes”. If you do not wish to install this toolbar say “no”. If you select yes the toolbar will automatically be installed and applied to your web browser. Yes or No?


You have selected “yes”. Are you sure?


Thank you for your cooperation. The Blindenführblind toolbar will be immediately installed along with your copy of Noise Lights: A Text Adventure.
Please wait, installing now.


Installation 97% Complete


There was a problem with the installation. Please remove the disc and try again.


Thank you for the purchase of your copy of Noise Lights: A Text Adventure copyrighted by-

>30 frames

Please wait, installing now.


Codex:"It seems you have unsuccessfully attempted to install this game more than once. If you need help please contact the Softmind Softwaretm helpline. If you do not know the phone number, please ask."

>What is the number?

That information is not available here. Try asking a different way. You’d know this if you read the instruction booklet.

>Codex: What is the number?

Codex:"You may contact the helpline helpcenter by typing 1-888-TOO-DUMB into your computer. The helpline was constructed for ease of consumer convenience after too many incidents involving melting computers and unwanted toolbars. The helpline’s office hours are 2pm-4pm every other business day."


Customer Service Professional:"You’re calling about the install wizard right? Look, if you’re having trouble with the recommended settings you’re just gonna have to try custom settings. Trust me, it’ll work."


Thank you for the purchase of-


You have chosen the custom settings for installation. Please use the options below to personalize the installation of your gaming experience.

2. [SOUND]



Installation 100% Complete
The game has successfully installed. Hit enter to start playing.


Messages In This Thread
Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory - by typeandkey - 05-02-2016, 02:28 AM