PersonS {A Rejected Title and a False Explanation}

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PersonS {A Rejected Title and a False Explanation}
RE: PersonS {Stow and Knock}
(04-30-2016, 02:34 AM)Geoluhread Wrote: »Guess the name. There's a one in three chance you'll be right. And, if you're wrong, you can go back to a previous save state and try again.

> "You must be Nene Amayo. I'm Alvin the Chipmunk. You'd think that Simon would be the Chipmunk with blue hair but it's me. Howdy. I like JRPGs, music made by furries, and women. I'm straight. Very heterosexual. I'm not in the mood for listening to anything you have to say about yourself, so just direct me to the dorm of my roommate, Marcus Radclif Jr. Is he related to the Daniel Radcliff of Harry Potter fame? His name sounds familiar. Don't answer if I'm wrong I really don't care"
(05-01-2016, 05:46 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Do you have documents proving your right to take residence here? Please tell me you do, no one wants any more trouble this time of night.

Alternatively, pretend you're being chased by a brutal ex and you need somewhere to hide, because sowing the seeds of chaos is a wonderful hobby.

You think about saying something insane but decide not to for now. You really like it better when people don't think you're crazy: It makes them a lot less annoying. Besides, you'd hate to give someone the impression that several years of going to psychologists has been for nothing. It could be fun, though. Maybe you can start trolling people after you've convinced them that some baseline sanity is present.

"Are you..Nene?" you guess. It's a one-in-two shot, after all. "I'm Alvin." You have some identification buried in your suitcase somewhere, but you're reasonably sure you can convince her you're supposed to be here without that.
And you are right. She gets a look of recognition after another second or so of confusion. "Oh..right. I'm Lea, actually, Neen's..." She waves vaguely backwards. You guess that's how 'Nene' is actually pronounced. "Nice to meet you. Uh, come on in." She moves back from the door, keeping it open, and you pull your things inside.

It's about as cold in here as the air blasting out through the door suggested. This room looks like a combination living room-kitchen, with a couch and a couple of comfortable chairs all facing a TV on the wall opposite the door you came in through, closer to the left side. On the right of the opposite wall is a door. There's a kitchen area in the corner to your right with tiled floor; the rest is carpet.

Lea closes the door behind you, and talks in the general direction of the couch. "Hey. New guy's here."
You see someone climb up the couch facing backwards so her head pokes up from behind its back."Heyy, welcome! I'm Nene." Her voice sounds like there's a filter in her mouth that makes 50% of every breath helium. And it's obnoxiously cheerful. "You're like five hours late!" She looks kind of asian you guess, and has short dark hair in a partially spiked style.
"Flight was delayed," you say curtly. You've gotten reasonably good at reading people. It's nothing malicious, you just found it was easier to get them to leave you alone if you understood why they were bothering you in the first place. But you can just tell this one is going to be trouble.
"Aw, happens to the best of us. Where ya from, anyway?"

There are a lot of answers to that question. You lived in a suburb of Chicago for eleven years before your parents were shot, and since then you've been all over the place in foster care. But you usually save the fact that your parents were murdered for a time you need some shock value, as it's the kind of information that only works once.



Messages In This Thread
RE: PersonS {Stow and Knock} - by OrangeAipom - 04-30-2016, 02:34 AM
RE: PersonS {Stow and Knock} - by AgentBlue - 05-01-2016, 05:46 AM
RE: PersonS {Stow and Knock} - by Xindaris - 05-01-2016, 04:23 PM
RE: PersonS {Helium and Murder} - by OrangeAipom - 05-01-2016, 10:27 PM
RE: PersonS {Helium and Murder} - by AgentBlue - 05-01-2016, 11:41 PM
RE: PersonS {Helium and Murder} - by Xindaris - 05-02-2016, 10:21 PM
RE: PersonS {Answers and Arrival} - by AgentBlue - 05-20-2016, 02:02 AM
RE: PersonS {Answers and Arrival} - by Kíeros - 05-20-2016, 07:36 PM
RE: PersonS {Answers and Arrival} - by Xindaris - 05-21-2016, 02:03 AM