RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
04-27-2016, 11:56 PM
check it out
i didn't know @bout form@t() or bitwise oper@tion til mr@of stepped in @nd st@rted expl@ining things. i w@s using @ loop @nd junk, it w@s much more of @ mess
from random import randint
inString = "check it out"
outString = ""
for c in inString:
if c == "a" or c == "A":
c = "@"
outString += "[color=#{:X}]{}[/color]" . format(randint(0x80, 0xEF) << 16 | randint(0x80, 0xEF) << 8 | randint(0x80, 0xEF), c)
print outString
i didn't know @bout form@t() or bitwise oper@tion til mr@of stepped in @nd st@rted expl@ining things. i w@s using @ loop @nd junk, it w@s much more of @ mess