Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief

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Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief
RE: Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief
Madeline pondered for a second before deciding on the ‘third option’ She had many questions after all. The girl got up from the table and walked over to the stove just before the kettle began to whistle. She began to pour the water into teacups.

“Option thee” She said. Looking over her shoulder at Rex.

“Alright” Rex sighed, and looking more than a little disappointed. “It may take longer to explain this wa-”

Madeline interjected, “Fine! I just want to know where my parents are and what you want with me! If this ‘option two’ will get things done faster, can you please get on with it already!”

“Option two it is. Although, I’m going to wait for you to bring the tea over and sit down first.” Madeline quickly obliged, almost spilling some tea.

Rex raised his left arm, followed by the other to touch a button on his watch. Suddenly the distortion Madeline had caught a glimpse of earlier became more visible. Madeline looked in amazement as a sphere of what could only be described as thousands of sparkling dust motes buzzed and circled around Rex’s hands, legs and head. The soldier woman retrieved a cannister she had been concealing on her person, and opened it, and the glittery substance flew inside.

Revealed was a being which, was somehow even larger than the man known as Rex, though it was clear that this was the same ‘person’ as the expensive suit he came in with did not change, except that the slacks he wore now accommodated his unusual leg and torso structure. This being could only be described as a humanoid tyrannosaurus, though somewhat small by comparison of any dinosaur bones Madeline might have seen at a museum. His face, was more expressive than any lizard she had ever seen and while he looked fiercely at Madeline, studying her every expression, Madeline never felt threatened by his carnivorous appearance.

Madeline didn’t flinch. Instead of feeling fearful she was captivated in wonder by what had just transpired before her. The lizard-man gently blew on the cup of tea before taking a sip.

“You’re not afraid?” His voice now more guttural in its articulation.

“I had a suspicion it was something like this, honestly. Not that I know what ‘this’ is exactly.” Madeline explained, “but when you tapped your neck earlier, there was a strange distortion. And if I could figure it out, my parents must know. They are way smarter than me, after all. If they know what you really are and still thought you were safe enough to invite to barbecues, there’s not much sense in being afraid, is there?”

Rex smiled a monstrous grin, showing a mass of perfectly white, razor sharp teeth “You know, I was a little disappointed in you for a moment, earlier when you picked ‘option three’, but you really are an extraordinary little human. Now, you must have some questions.”


Messages In This Thread
Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief - by Colby - 04-23-2016, 10:00 AM
RE: Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief - by Colby - 04-27-2016, 11:37 AM