"I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)

"I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
Durians smell awful, but don't taste as bad as they smell. Sadly, this isn't a testament to their taste as much as their smell.

(06-04-2012, 05:10 AM)MrGuy Wrote: »God dammit, Nog, I'm trying to diet. Minion
I'm not apologizing. Minion

So I went to the Cheesecake Factory for a belated birthday dinner.

[Image: 2012-06-06_18-42-26_569.jpg]
[Image: 2012-06-06_18-42-37_568.jpg]

And then I went home and cried because I ate way too much.
Beep Beep

Messages In This Thread
RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread) - by Mr. Arsenic Nog - 06-07-2012, 01:27 AM