The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
(04-21-2016, 05:12 AM)TheEmptypot Wrote: »everyone seems really really into their own comic universes and for some reason, despite making what is basically a lore book I'm really insecure and shy about sharing stuff about it and I feel really weird and unprepared. I feel like it's not good enoguh all the time and thats' a shitty feeling to have

I was talking to one of my friends about this the other day? She and another of our friends (who was also there at the time ) kickstarted their comic a year or two back now, and it was very popular among the local scene. This friend was the artist, and because she has virtually no social media presence people knew her as 'the Nothing Fits artist' for a while and would mention her as that in comic circles. Then we were published in another anthology and people knew of/about her and anyway. She was up in Auckland (biggest city in NZ, hub of basically everything here rip) and a pretty well known comic creator whom she really loves the work of was signing her copy of his book, and she said her name and he was like "wait, THE Alex McCrone?" and they had a bit of a fangirl at each other

Anyway that was quite rambly but my point was that she is terrified of sharing her work with people. We've been friends for years now; the four of us (the other member is my partner Ren) are sort of our main friend group and we meet most weeks to work on our comic stuff. She's only recently felt comfortable showing us her development art, and still won't let us read any of the writing about it. And her stuff is really well liked and widely regarded! Easily the most talented member of our little group. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that a lot of artists are like that?

Apart from that, i'm always really keen to see the little tidbits you post from your stories, Mel? It's really nice to see what sort of fun things other people come up with for stories, and i definitely know the feeling of making it seem like its really silly in your head. Believe me, everyone will love your stuff. Or at least not think its weird or undeveloped?
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Messages In This Thread
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - by Plaid - 04-21-2016, 05:35 AM