RE: I Will Steal Your Face
04-20-2016, 04:36 AM
Surprise, surprise, the more technical answer is... Reyweld didn't. To get from the numerous colors in all the other avatars down to just 256 for a .gif, quite a few sacrifices had to be made.
This is Credit's avatar.
And this is Credit's avatar in Reyweld's facesteal.
"What's the difference?" you might be asking yourself. Well, if we use CSI's favorite camera technique1 (aka zoom to 3x the size without interpolation2), we get a different comparison:
The facesteal version looks a lot blockier, with not as smooth of a gradient between different colors. And there is the loss of all the different colors used from the original .png to the modified .gif. A colorcube analysis reveals that this a lot of information was lost (and that this is where most of the colors in the entire .gif come from):
"Okay, so what?" I hear at least zero of you shouting. Well, thankfully, GIMP has a feature to take the difference between two layers3. A perfect match should be completely black, yet lo and behold:
Quite a lot of color. And if we just up the lightness a little bit4, we get a veritable rainbow of lossy compression
"Now Kieros," you might be saying, "Won't Reyweld steal your avatar too?" To which you'd be correct. However, mine poses a problem in two ways. Firstly, let's look at Reyweld's current color pallet.
Notice what it's lacking? That's right, a mid-brightness band of greys5. Which when we apply that color pallet to my avatar, leads to this mess:
Therefore, if Reyweld adds my avatar using the current pallet, it will result in this blobby, off-colored mess reduced from 216 colors to only 16. However, if Reyweld recreates the pallet, it'll result in a loss of vibrancy for everyone else (and may require more work to do)6.
And secondly, the face steal is only allowing one second per person, which is the length of the shortest frame in my avatar. And since it's aperiodic7, it should be more difficult to figure out how to capture it.
"KIEROS," you are probably now saying "SHUT UP!" To which I say, in a highly elegant manner, no, you shut up. This is graphical mathematics at its finest and I will not allow any of you to be deprived of it. Let's just calculate the specific information lost from those two compressions.
Now, information is measured in entropy, which has the simple formula of ∑-plog(p) for all possible values8. Assuming all colors are equally likely, one pixel in a .png holds 24 bits of information, while a .gif image only holds 8 bits, which is why a .gif image is smaller9.
For Credit's actual avatar, the colors are about evenly spaced, so assuming they are evenly likely, the original avatar holds 14.396 bits of information per pixel10. The modification, making the same assumption, has only 7.96 bits of information per pixel, meaning a loss of about 44.7% of information between the two images. However, for something with that much prior information, this loss actually isn't that significant. This is why compression works well, you don't really notice it when it's done well.
However, for my avatar, the story is a little different. My avatar has 216 colors in it, and they are not fairly well distributed11. This already only has 7.755 bits of information at max12. The modification only has 4 bits of information per pixel, and a different distribution of colors13. This is at least a 48.4% loss in information, and probably closer to a 60% loss. The problem is that this image was already quite compressed beforehand, so now we are starting to lose more significant bits in the compression, and as such, the image appears much worse.
It just falls into the worst possible location: Too much information and it can be compressed without losing much; too little and there isn't anything to compress14. But right in between is the Goldilocks region of "Just... wrong". It'll be interesting to see how Reyweld deals with this.
1: Yes, I know this isn't what they do, but it's the zoom portion of the "zoom and enhance".
2: The use of no interpolation means that GIMP will not try and blur out the colors to make it look smoother. Specifically, since I am increasing the image an integer multiple of times, each pixel becomes that many times larger on a size, with no weird effects.
3: Specifically, I set the layer mode to "difference" and took a screenshot of the result. The fact that this is a screenshot (along with the colorcube analyses) accounts for the border around the edges.
4: By going into Hue-Saturation and bumping up the lightness to 35. I was originally doing this with the brightness/contrast, but because of the border, contrast just turned everything to black and brightness greyed out the colors.
5: Or more accurately, slightly-warm greys, because most off-greys are blue toned rather than red toned, simply because grey is a cool color and gets paired most often with them.
6: I don't know how Reyweld is doing the face steals. They could have a secondary image which does not get converted into a .gif in which the original images are stored, in which case, it would be a lot less work to do the modification of color table.
7: The last frame doesn't lead to the first as in a cycle like the previous .gif images in this thread, it instead jumps back to the first frame.
8: Where p is the probability of a certain value showing up, and the logarithm used is actually the binary logarithm, instead of the natural or common logarithm. If all n options are equally likely with p=1/n, then since you are adding up n times the inside result, the information contained is log(n). This makes intuitive sense, as a random bit of information should have one bit, and if the bits are completely independent on each other, each bit added should also add one bit of information.
9: .jpg images use a different method of compression than a .gif indexing. This is beyond the scope of this post, but feel free to read up on it15.
10: If you don't want that assumption, this is a maximum value, so it's probably actually closer to 14 bits, while the modified is probably closer to 7.7 bits.
11: Colorcube analysis not shown, but it is very strongly trimodal, corresponding to the lighter and darker of the grey fur colors, as well as the blackish color for the hands.
12: This is probably much lower, likely closer to around 7 or so accounting for the strongly non-uniform distribution.
13: The distribution is now bimodal, likely due to the fact that the fur has been mapped to only one color, as opposed to the twoish beforehand. This also reduces the information, probably to something around 2.5 bits.
14: For an example of too little, Schazer's avatar had only four colors beforehand for approximately 2 bits of information, which got compressed to... almost exactly the same four colors, in the exact same distribution, for a loss of no information.
15: Yeah right, like you were going to read that at all.
This is Credit's avatar.
And this is Credit's avatar in Reyweld's facesteal.
"What's the difference?" you might be asking yourself. Well, if we use CSI's favorite camera technique1 (aka zoom to 3x the size without interpolation2), we get a different comparison:
Quite a lot of color. And if we just up the lightness a little bit4, we get a veritable rainbow of lossy compression
"Now Kieros," you might be saying, "Won't Reyweld steal your avatar too?" To which you'd be correct. However, mine poses a problem in two ways. Firstly, let's look at Reyweld's current color pallet.
Notice what it's lacking? That's right, a mid-brightness band of greys5. Which when we apply that color pallet to my avatar, leads to this mess:
And secondly, the face steal is only allowing one second per person, which is the length of the shortest frame in my avatar. And since it's aperiodic7, it should be more difficult to figure out how to capture it.
"KIEROS," you are probably now saying "SHUT UP!" To which I say, in a highly elegant manner, no, you shut up. This is graphical mathematics at its finest and I will not allow any of you to be deprived of it. Let's just calculate the specific information lost from those two compressions.
Now, information is measured in entropy, which has the simple formula of ∑-plog(p) for all possible values8. Assuming all colors are equally likely, one pixel in a .png holds 24 bits of information, while a .gif image only holds 8 bits, which is why a .gif image is smaller9.
For Credit's actual avatar, the colors are about evenly spaced, so assuming they are evenly likely, the original avatar holds 14.396 bits of information per pixel10. The modification, making the same assumption, has only 7.96 bits of information per pixel, meaning a loss of about 44.7% of information between the two images. However, for something with that much prior information, this loss actually isn't that significant. This is why compression works well, you don't really notice it when it's done well.
However, for my avatar, the story is a little different. My avatar has 216 colors in it, and they are not fairly well distributed11. This already only has 7.755 bits of information at max12. The modification only has 4 bits of information per pixel, and a different distribution of colors13. This is at least a 48.4% loss in information, and probably closer to a 60% loss. The problem is that this image was already quite compressed beforehand, so now we are starting to lose more significant bits in the compression, and as such, the image appears much worse.
It just falls into the worst possible location: Too much information and it can be compressed without losing much; too little and there isn't anything to compress14. But right in between is the Goldilocks region of "Just... wrong". It'll be interesting to see how Reyweld deals with this.
1: Yes, I know this isn't what they do, but it's the zoom portion of the "zoom and enhance".
2: The use of no interpolation means that GIMP will not try and blur out the colors to make it look smoother. Specifically, since I am increasing the image an integer multiple of times, each pixel becomes that many times larger on a size, with no weird effects.
3: Specifically, I set the layer mode to "difference" and took a screenshot of the result. The fact that this is a screenshot (along with the colorcube analyses) accounts for the border around the edges.
4: By going into Hue-Saturation and bumping up the lightness to 35. I was originally doing this with the brightness/contrast, but because of the border, contrast just turned everything to black and brightness greyed out the colors.
5: Or more accurately, slightly-warm greys, because most off-greys are blue toned rather than red toned, simply because grey is a cool color and gets paired most often with them.
6: I don't know how Reyweld is doing the face steals. They could have a secondary image which does not get converted into a .gif in which the original images are stored, in which case, it would be a lot less work to do the modification of color table.
7: The last frame doesn't lead to the first as in a cycle like the previous .gif images in this thread, it instead jumps back to the first frame.
8: Where p is the probability of a certain value showing up, and the logarithm used is actually the binary logarithm, instead of the natural or common logarithm. If all n options are equally likely with p=1/n, then since you are adding up n times the inside result, the information contained is log(n). This makes intuitive sense, as a random bit of information should have one bit, and if the bits are completely independent on each other, each bit added should also add one bit of information.
9: .jpg images use a different method of compression than a .gif indexing. This is beyond the scope of this post, but feel free to read up on it15.
10: If you don't want that assumption, this is a maximum value, so it's probably actually closer to 14 bits, while the modified is probably closer to 7.7 bits.
11: Colorcube analysis not shown, but it is very strongly trimodal, corresponding to the lighter and darker of the grey fur colors, as well as the blackish color for the hands.
12: This is probably much lower, likely closer to around 7 or so accounting for the strongly non-uniform distribution.
13: The distribution is now bimodal, likely due to the fact that the fur has been mapped to only one color, as opposed to the twoish beforehand. This also reduces the information, probably to something around 2.5 bits.
14: For an example of too little, Schazer's avatar had only four colors beforehand for approximately 2 bits of information, which got compressed to... almost exactly the same four colors, in the exact same distribution, for a loss of no information.
15: Yeah right, like you were going to read that at all.