Junior Nova! (TWS)

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Junior Nova! (TWS)
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS)
Galatea is the thing here that you're the most immediately familiar with. Granted, that knowledge isn't much more than 'It exploded and now superheroes exist because of it,' but hey, it's something. Sounds like a good a place to start as any.

You click on the space station, and the camera starts slowly 'flying' towards it. On the way to the station, AEON floats gently in from the bottom of the screen a few moments after having panned out of view.
":| Hey, the Galatea is an important part of Nova history, and the three people stationed on it were great, great people. :) But the story of it is, in the end, :( a tragedy. If you feel like it, we'll gloss over the ugly parts when we get there. But for now, :) let me introduce you to what was at the time an amazing piece of technology, the Space Station Galatea!"

The space station has been silhouetted for a while now, and upon AEON finishing their speech, it becomes unobscured by shadows, revealing a kind of remarkably detailed piece of art. Somebody had fun drawing a space station.

Honestly, you hadn't really considered the crew of the station before. You suppose it's nice they give the option to skip that part, but you're
pretty sure you'll be fine with it.

Oh hey, a message again.

: Beatrice had never met any of the crew of the Galatea. Considering she was 25 at the age of developing the game, this was unlikely anyways. But many of the members of the Aeon Society, who helped with the game, had, and were quite adamant about portraying their late friends in the best light possible. And so the fight between accuracy and memorial began.
The Flipkick Orbies : Kind of killing the mood here.
The Flipkick Orbies : Also this time there's DEFINITELY no way for you to have known where I was.
The Flipkick Orbies : So I'm mad about the clear spyware but not mad enough to stop playing.
The Flipkick Orbies : ...
The Flipkick Orbies : Really feeling like these conversations are a bit one-sided here.

You hear a brief chuckle in your ears. Since it's, y'know, directly in your ears, you can probably assume it came from the computer. You've just got the same stuff running as before, so it must be the game. You aren't sure WHY the game chuckled, but you don't even understand where the game came from so it's probably best to just roll with it for now.

When you load the game back up, AEON seems to just be idling, twiddling their thumbs.
"^_^ Oh, good, you're back! Thought I'd give you some details on the station! :)
Like I said, this is the Space Station Galatea! Launched in 1997, Galatea was a research station carrying a classified substance that we still can't tell you exactly what it is. :o I mean, I know, ;) but I promised to keep it a secret. :) What is public knowledge is that the substance had something to do with Quantum Energy. By the year 2000, much of the information was meant to be declassified, but, well, then Novas happened, and that kind of made everything more complicated! :o"

Galatea, Quantum Energy added to Glossary.

"If everything went well, Galatea likely would have become the base for an International Space Station, but due to the tragedy that took place in 1998, the United Nations had trouble uniting on such a thing. It's probably why there are so many countries with their own individual space stations today! :/ Everybody thinks they can do better on their own. :P I think we should work together, but what do I know?"

The space station exterior fades into a cross-section of Galatea, showing the interior, with three people in various parts of it. In one section, a man is staring at a crate that glows purple, taking notes on a clipboard. Elsewhere, a woman tinkers with some sort of machinery. Finally another, larger man stares at... a fish tank?

":) Three people were aboard the Galatea during its time in space, and these are them."

The view zooms in on the first man, who is now pushing buttons on the crate, causing the glowing to change colours.
"Hassan Nejem was a nuclear physicist who took a particular interest in Hammersmith Engines, he was particularly knowledgable about what would later be known as Quantum Energy. With him, he brought a collection of comic books, and made sure more would come with each supply drop."

Hammersmith Engines added to Glossary

The view shifts over to the woman, who has graduated from 'poking at' to 'hitting' the vague machinery.
"Diana Fantasia was a theoretical physicist and engineer. Largely in charge of keeping the station from falling apart, she also had a strong knowledge of the fundamental mechanics of the universe. With her she brought her history books, and her Tolkein books."

Finally, the view moves to the man by the fish tank. Kind of a weird fish tank, but it is a space fish tank.
"Herbert Kopparberg was a biologist, and the medic of the ship. He more or less demanded a variety of spices be made available to him on the station. They say he managed to work miracles with freeze dried space food."

It zooms out again to the entire ship cross-section, and AEON is there visible again.
":) Well, who'd you like to learn about first?"

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by Whimbrel - 03-29-2016, 06:07 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by btp - 03-29-2016, 07:32 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by Robust Laser - 04-04-2016, 01:54 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by btp - 04-04-2016, 02:32 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by AgentBlue - 04-04-2016, 11:11 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by Whimbrel - 04-05-2016, 07:06 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by Robust Laser - 04-09-2016, 01:38 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by Whimbrel - 04-09-2016, 03:55 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by Reecer6 - 04-09-2016, 07:29 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by btp - 04-09-2016, 08:36 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by AgentBlue - 04-09-2016, 11:56 PM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by Dragon Fogel - 04-23-2016, 07:01 AM
RE: Junior Nova! (TWS) - by Schazer - 04-23-2016, 08:39 AM