Fantastic RPG

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Fantastic RPG
RE: Fantastic RPG
(Hello btp! My plan was to run the adventure as if players controlled their own adventure protagonist. Each player submits commands for their character to follow, and I'd govern the outcomes of the character's actions. I had thought that would constitute as a Forum Adventure, but if my thread would be better suited for the Games section, I'll ask for it to be moved ASAP!)

Wilkins Drusam)
The moment you walked into the fair city of Hampneck, you knew this place was desperate for your help. This city thinks itself safe on their boats, and their constant access to water. But oh, how little these poor folk knew. Initial inspection of the town revealed a stunning lack of fire escape plans and the town guard's fire control skills severely lacking. You don't even want to get started on the poor attempt to handle magic license regulation. Anyone with any inkling of magic is a potential arsonist, simply allowed to walk the streets! You've tried to appeal to the town council about creating a proper fire safety guideline, but they've proven to be a stubborn bunch who does not yet fully realize the urgency of your mission. With how easy it would be for a greater fire to overwhelm this town's unfit fire defense, you fear the days are numbered until you've got a real problem on your hands.

Until then, you've been doing all you can, dispensing your own brand of fire jurisdiction. You've surely made the Dursam lineage proud with your time in Hampneck. So far, your fists have singlehandedly brought the swift end to eight fires throughout town, as well as help the town guard here and there. Your actions have not gone unrecognized by the people, and you've become something of a vigilante! After one such act of heroism in the aid of stopping an inn from falling to ash, the innkeeper was kind enough to give you a room to stay, which you currently reside out of. Hampneck's fires are usually caused from the careless mistake of an innocent citizen. However, very recently there's been an outbreak of minor fires that are suspiciously similar. All have began with an innocent toss of a cigar butt, and they've mainly occurred in the eastern part of town. You wouldn't bet on the town guard to be able to solve this conundrum, so the investigation may fall on yourself to protect Hampneck from this strange arsonist.

After a quick breakfast, you're up and at 'em and ready to face the day. You are currently located in the townsquare, ready to do some honest firefighter work.

Messages In This Thread
Fantastic RPG - by Wisty - 04-03-2016, 02:31 AM
RE: Fantastic RPG - by btp - 04-03-2016, 05:45 PM
RE: Fantastic RPG - by ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-03-2016, 10:47 PM
RE: Fantastic RPG - by AgentBlue - 04-10-2016, 01:59 AM