03-31-2016, 10:54 AM
Okay okay okay, get ready for THE RETURN OF THE SHEARING *bzzz* *bzzz*
First, a refresher on the basic rules of THE SHEARING:
1: Your goal is to get the Sheep Answer (The answer that is said the most) on every question. If you do not get the Sheep Answer, you have your Wool SHEARED, which means you are OUT. But is that all there is to your game? More on that in the NEW TWIST segment.
2: The answers of "Sheared" sheep still matter. Even if there are only two Sheep left unsheared, the Sheep Answer is still the most said answer of all Sheep, sheared or otherwise.
3: The win condition of the game is to be the Last Sheep with Wool. The game stops the moment only one Sheep has Wool, or we run out of questions.
I bolded Wool for a reason, because in this round, Wool is an ITEM!!! Which leads us to...
Okay, so, a big problem with all Sheep games is that, somewhere in the middle of each round, a good portion of people know they probably won't win. This problem is taken to its extreme in THE SHEARING, which is straight up elimination. So, in this round, there's gonna be a little extra thing that can get you back into the game, and that thing is Wool. Here's how it works:
Every player starts with one coat of Wool, which is of course, your all-natural sheep-business. If you give a Non-Sheep Answer, you have your Wool sheared off. Every time you give the Sheep Answer, the old farmhand gives you a rub of some good ol' Wool Growth Ointment. After FIVE (5) rubs of Wool Growth Ointment, you get a new coat of Wool! But watch out! If you do not have any Wool, and you give a Non-Sheep Answer, you get infested with Itchy Pests, who cause you to scratch very hard and make it impossible to put the Ointment on. On the opposite end, though, if you already have Wool and give the Sheep Answer, you get an EVEN FLUFFIER coat of Wool that has to be sheared twice!
Okay, okay, silly stupid flavor bullcrap, what does this actually mean, ruleswise.
Unlike the last round of THE SHEARING, not giving the Sheep Answer loses your Wool no matter what (You'll remember we had co-champions because of the rule that you can't be Sheared if nobody unsheared got the Sheep Answer). If we have a situation where the game ends and nobody has Wool or multiple players have Wool, the player(s) who had the most Sheep Answers wins.
So, without further ado, here are you THE SHEARING QUESTIONS:
And as always, please do not post answers in this thread, and please use this format to send them to me in PM.
And by "use this format" I mean please copy and paste these numbers into a PM and then put your answers next to them. Do not use the "insert numbered list" option, because it does not let me copy and paste the numbers alongside your answers, which is the kind of thing I really like being able to do.
And also, if you want to make any comments on a particular answer, be it funny or serious, please put them on the bottom of your PM, away from your answer sheet. This also hinders my ability to easily copy and paste your answers, a thing that really helps me out when sorting through everyone's answers.
Happy Sheeping!
*Round 8 and this is my first True/False question. Pretty proud of myself. In Regular and Reverse Sheep, these things are complete game-changers in the worst way, artificially siphoning points one way or another. At least in early "The Shearing" questions, where there's supposed to be super-limited answers, the worst it is is unimaginative.
First, a refresher on the basic rules of THE SHEARING:
1: Your goal is to get the Sheep Answer (The answer that is said the most) on every question. If you do not get the Sheep Answer, you have your Wool SHEARED, which means you are OUT. But is that all there is to your game? More on that in the NEW TWIST segment.
2: The answers of "Sheared" sheep still matter. Even if there are only two Sheep left unsheared, the Sheep Answer is still the most said answer of all Sheep, sheared or otherwise.
3: The win condition of the game is to be the Last Sheep with Wool. The game stops the moment only one Sheep has Wool, or we run out of questions.
I bolded Wool for a reason, because in this round, Wool is an ITEM!!! Which leads us to...
Okay, so, a big problem with all Sheep games is that, somewhere in the middle of each round, a good portion of people know they probably won't win. This problem is taken to its extreme in THE SHEARING, which is straight up elimination. So, in this round, there's gonna be a little extra thing that can get you back into the game, and that thing is Wool. Here's how it works:
Every player starts with one coat of Wool, which is of course, your all-natural sheep-business. If you give a Non-Sheep Answer, you have your Wool sheared off. Every time you give the Sheep Answer, the old farmhand gives you a rub of some good ol' Wool Growth Ointment. After FIVE (5) rubs of Wool Growth Ointment, you get a new coat of Wool! But watch out! If you do not have any Wool, and you give a Non-Sheep Answer, you get infested with Itchy Pests, who cause you to scratch very hard and make it impossible to put the Ointment on. On the opposite end, though, if you already have Wool and give the Sheep Answer, you get an EVEN FLUFFIER coat of Wool that has to be sheared twice!
Okay, okay, silly stupid flavor bullcrap, what does this actually mean, ruleswise.
What the stupid flavor crap actually means Ruleswise Wrote:For every 5 questions you give the Sheep Answer to, depending on your gamestate:
A: If you have Wool already, you get another set. Not giving the Sheep Answer only loses you one set of Wool, so having multiple sets means you can survive a misstep.
B: If you have no Wool and no Itchy Pests, you get a set of Wool, which means you are back in the game and able to win.
C: If you have Itchy Pests, you cannot gain any Wool and are out of the game completely. You get Itchy Pests by giving a Non-Sheep Answer while having no Wool.
Unlike the last round of THE SHEARING, not giving the Sheep Answer loses your Wool no matter what (You'll remember we had co-champions because of the rule that you can't be Sheared if nobody unsheared got the Sheep Answer). If we have a situation where the game ends and nobody has Wool or multiple players have Wool, the player(s) who had the most Sheep Answers wins.
So, without further ado, here are you THE SHEARING QUESTIONS:
And as always, please do not post answers in this thread, and please use this format to send them to me in PM.
And by "use this format" I mean please copy and paste these numbers into a PM and then put your answers next to them. Do not use the "insert numbered list" option, because it does not let me copy and paste the numbers alongside your answers, which is the kind of thing I really like being able to do.
And also, if you want to make any comments on a particular answer, be it funny or serious, please put them on the bottom of your PM, away from your answer sheet. This also hinders my ability to easily copy and paste your answers, a thing that really helps me out when sorting through everyone's answers.
Happy Sheeping!
*Round 8 and this is my first True/False question. Pretty proud of myself. In Regular and Reverse Sheep, these things are complete game-changers in the worst way, artificially siphoning points one way or another. At least in early "The Shearing" questions, where there's supposed to be super-limited answers, the worst it is is unimaginative.