Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE

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Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Does he have his mouth closed or is that tape or something
I guess I could just sort of smear it over his face until he eats it as if he were some kind of small child
It's probably bad form to allow other Chesters to starve to death

Just like it's bad form to leave all this soup out overnight, it'll be cold by tomorrow I think it's my duty to eat it now

>EAT Soup (not iridescent)
>USE Hambourger Ixcaliber
>USE Schazer Ixcaliber

Messages In This Thread
Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE - by OTTO - 05-02-2009, 06:32 PM