Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)

Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
after visiting with gen and getting back home, we've agreed that i really need to get a job around here to raise some money, not only just so i can be more independent and help my dad with bills possibly, but so i know that i can move out sometime and support myself

so on st patrick's day, I went out to a few places down the street (KFC, Carl's Jr., and Chevy's) and grabbed some applications, then filled them out fast and as best as I could, then turned them all in the next day.
Well! I got a message from the manager at the Carl's Jr.! Asking me to come by and talk about job stuff! So I got cleaned up and tried to wake up early today, and went down there at about 9:30 (an hour ago)... and they asked me to try coming in tomorrow, cause they're busy today. Which I'm super okay with, especially cause they asked me to come in at 10 AM, which is a time of day I can be awake and outside the house by just fine.

things are gonna be okay.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread) - by Kitet - 03-20-2016, 05:21 PM