Malky-Grand 131121125 [Round 1: Jelly Citadel]

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Malky-Grand 131121125 [Round 1: Jelly Citadel]
Malky-Grand 131121125 [Round 1: Jelly Citadel]
There was a loud thud-without-noise as the portal to an unassuming little pocket dimension slammed shut. The being that had just fled through it leaned against the comfortably-solid barrier between worlds, confident for a moment that she'd lost them and would safe for a time again. For several moments, she just waited there, motionless, savoring her small and temporary victory; after a time a smaller being much lower to the ground spoke up.

"It's closer every time, isn't it?"

Features that could be roughly considered a face did something that was closer to a scowl than anything else.

<You know I don't like talking in this multiverse's omnilanguage when I don't have to.>

The smaller being sighed and slipped back into its mother tongue.

<You'll have to get used to it eventually if you're not going back.>

The larger one shuffled awkwardly and didn't respond.

<You still don't plan to, right?>

<Not unless they catch me and force me to. You know that. But how long can I keep running and hiding? Every time I find a new group, one of them rats me out to the authorities.>

<Well, I think I may have found something to solve that, actually.>

<... How?>

<We can get you naturalized if you have a soul from this multiver–>

The larger being stomped with annoyance and cut in.

<I already know that! It's impossible to get one though!>

<Don't interrupt. I know you know that, I was just leading into the next bit. See, I think I've found a ritual that can get you a soul. It's a little... complicated, but...>

The smaller one gave a brief explanation. It was... Complicated. After several minutes of questions and arguing and confusion, the larger being had been convinced this was its best option, but it still had one important question.

<Where will I get the sacrifices?>

<Welllll... I actually got a list of usable candidates from the girl I got the ritual from, but... She's kind of weird.>

<Doesn't matter. Bring them here, and I'll set everything else up.>


Some time later – or before, or perhaps concurrently – four beings native to this multiverse found themselves vanishing from their homes and lives only to be dumped in a small, dark room. Before them was... well, it was hard to say what it was. It was an enormous mound of flesh and eyes and hair, only even vaguely humanoid because it seemed to have been crammed into an enormous Japanese schoolgirl's outfit. It was deathly pale, its cascading hair near-transparent, its eyes searing red. It seemed, in all, like even a moment in the sun would send it burning. Behind it, for all its grotesque, misshapen horror, sprouted a pair of angelic wings, yards long in both directions, pitch black, and dappled with stars and nebulae that gracefully wheeled across them as they winnowed the air.

It opened a dozen mouths and spoke in as many voices, none of which seemed to understand the words they were saying.

"Contestant! All you now are contestant. Battle to fight, other to kill. Winner, rewarded. Greatest desire achieved!"

The new contestants were each illuminated in turn, described briefly and incomprehensibly by the thing that had presumably abducted them.

"This is a fish. She collects the opal, purple vegetable."

"Gummelda duck... Of is candy is a laser, and she can see only the sweets."

"Cacta is the OWL, Cactus. He is the spirit of evil coffin and many magical items."

"Selavy chaos duck carve very well but he is crazy... love to trash box box."

Having been introduced to their competitors, the four vanished again. Before rematerializing, they received visions of their destination, coupled with the dubious "explanations" of their host.

"I am The Candy Cane, this is Kula Castle."

An expanse of ocean stretched above and below and beyond the contestants' astral sight, endless water rushing past until a colossal jellyfish came into view. Colossal didn't even truly do it justice; it could probably have fed on whales like minnows as it lazily drifted through the chthonic depths. It was largely bluish, but spots of lighter and darker fluid moved through its mantle, and one tiny dark speck sat at its very center.

"This is a lonely bastion of magical girl... View the invasion she will kill her. Wish her and fight against the invaders. Or die. Move the survivors to the new location."

The contestants finally reappeared, scattered randomly throughout the jellyfish's innards. To their surprise, those that needed to breathe found they could do so easily.

Back in her pocket dimension, the Candy Cane sighed to herself.

<Well, it's begun. I hope it finishes before they find me again.>

<Ah, don't worry, it will. But, uh... I have to ask. Why'd you call yourself Candy Cane?>

There was a pause. <I thought I'd said The Exalted One.>

<Huh. Maybe I should do the talking from now on.>



Messages In This Thread
Malky-Grand 131121125 [Round 1: Jelly Citadel] - by SleepingOrange - 04-27-2012, 09:49 PM