The Opulent Quarrel - Round One: Mademoiselle Primfel's

The Opulent Quarrel - Round One: Mademoiselle Primfel's
Howdy! Me and Ix have poured over all your profiles like some kind of horrifying amorphous blob creature. We're both super pumped for this and we both think the profiles have been real good! Too good as it turns out, we had some tough times deciding who would be in and out. We're aware that 10 players in a Grand Battle is pretty weird but since we're big ol' jerk heads putting our own characters in, it didn't seem fair to go with the standard 8.

Without further ado, here is our cast!

Ixcalibur as Lady Wilhelmina Pell - #412A42
Lankie as Wren - #2F4F4F
Dragon Fogel as Damse - #556B2F
Schazer as Gunzelurge - #778799
Sanzh as Georgia (and Sorry) - #FF96CA
AgentBlue as Cassandra Devin - #4444AA
Solaris as Des La Ryuje - #800000
Chimney and Forge as Völsung and The Verdant Queen - #FF0000 & #80C020
Sai as Gurska Karr* - #800000
Mirdini as Althyr Almael - #EE7600

Apologies to UnshornRam and Bigro for not making the cut. Don't take it personally! Again it wasn't an easy choice and in a perfect world we'd just have everyone in but we had to put a cut off point somewhere! I shall eat some Vegemite on toast and electrocute myself in honour of your profiles.

Opening post should be coming soon! Not everyone has voted for a place but so far there seems to be a consensus. Not too late throw in your vote for a late game upset though!

* Sai has bravely chosen to fall onto the blade of democracy for their character. But ultimately it's up to Sai to ignore that and go with the other character if they so choose. S'up to you! You may also want to talk to Sol about a text colour change but that's not too big a deal.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Opulent Quarrel [JOIN OUR IMPENDING DISASTER] - by Lankie - 12-24-2015, 01:46 PM