The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
i hate my stupid body
i hate hate hate hate it
It doesn't do anything i want it to anymore, especially in regards to fucking sleep

this entire week i have been just passing out at like twelve, then i wake up a few hours later, and then there is this stupid period where i nap and not nap and it stupid and how the fuck does a body do that

meanwhile, every single fucking day for the last three years, like fucking clockwork, I have been just sort of losing steam and closing my eyes and leaning to the side and almost falling asleep after lunch and it is fucking stupid
today, when i get home, i am going to get my laptop taken away after [period of time] on weekdays
this will do jack and shit
it will always do jack and shit because three fucking years of a stupid stupid stupid behavior wont fucking go away no matter how much i hate it
i hate hate hate that i cant say this and be taken seriously but just fyefasf akrs dlasfj its stupid

its like
not even school related
it happened all three days at pax, each on the same day
and when i got home on monday
and basically every weekday which is why i usually wake up at like two or three instead of ten like on weekends
stupif fucking body being predisposed to bullshit habits and fuck my brain too for what will surely be a whiny as shit reaction when i talk to my mom later

Messages In This Thread
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - by Solaris - 04-19-2012, 05:29 PM