cats or dogs
11-17-2015, 09:54 PM
please do not bring whatever clever third option you are dreaming up into this thread. that means no lizards, birds, snakes, frogs, bugs, rocks. this thread is strictly for comparing our fuzzy mammalian friends who are equal to or above the size of a human baby. (that means no hamsters or mice, either.)
i'm on team cat. for starts, cats don't bark. they don't bark when they want fed, they don't bark for no reason in the middle of the night and wake up you and your neighbors, they just don't bark. conversely, dogs don't purr. you can keep a cat inside and it's no big deal. in fact, it's probably better to given their predatory instincts which i KNOW some bird fan is gonna bring up later. cats are friendlier than is commonly believed, they're just independent instead of a slobbering sycophant. this means that they're also much more convenient, less demanding, but they're still there when you want something to pet. cats are cleaner and also don't eat literally anything put in front of them, including their own poop
i'm on team cat. for starts, cats don't bark. they don't bark when they want fed, they don't bark for no reason in the middle of the night and wake up you and your neighbors, they just don't bark. conversely, dogs don't purr. you can keep a cat inside and it's no big deal. in fact, it's probably better to given their predatory instincts which i KNOW some bird fan is gonna bring up later. cats are friendlier than is commonly believed, they're just independent instead of a slobbering sycophant. this means that they're also much more convenient, less demanding, but they're still there when you want something to pet. cats are cleaner and also don't eat literally anything put in front of them, including their own poop