21st night: What the fuck was that last title???

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21st night: What the fuck was that last title???
RE: 21st night: Beyond Battledome
21st Night: The Extended Universe.
Episode 2: Now Hiring (Enquire within)

Ikan tries to pilot the ship and ends up ruining its paintjob while exiting the Nonbattledome. They set a course for September station. En route, Ikan negotiates a contract with Dirk, who proclaims himself captain and Ena recounts a horrible experience with her messed up gladiator brain ghost. After about a week of travel, jumping out of hyperspace and adjusting course, then jumping back in, the ship is nearing September's coordinates. Ikan has a nightmare in which she is in a chemistry classroom made of mirrors and Roman façades, and her teacher is some weird three-eyed shadow monster. She breaks out by punching her way through a mirror.

They arrive at September station, to find that the atmosphere is somewhat more gloomy than usual. The station AI gives them a docking trajectory which cuts /another/ section of paint off of the hull, and they dock.
The crew, now pilotless, decide to go hire a crew. Dirk and Ikan go to a seedy bar, and Ena goes to a seedy library to return her books. She ends up getting distracted and reads her way through a bunch of mystery novels and history books.
Meanwhile, Dirk lets his frankenstein coolness do the talking, merely showing up in the bar and letting his glamour attract possible crew. Ikan stays nearby to make sure he doesn't hire a bunch of total hacks.
After loudly proclaiming things like "BUT IKAN, WHERE ARE WE GOING TO FIND SOME CREW?" and "I AM HIRING, BUT IF ONLY THERE WERE SKILLED ADVENTURERS HERE." This piques the interest of the bar even more than the appearance of the most beautiful man in the world. It also attracts the fickle attentions Envoy Claymore, an emissary for a race of quadrupedal, swamp-dwelling aliens.
"Hey Ikan, look at this fucked up dog!", Says dirk.
The dog introduces itself, and offers to join the crew. Dirk's just like "sure" even before Envoy explains that he's a sneaky little bastard and knows a lot, as well as being an experienced diplomat.

Meanwhile, Ena meets what she automatically assumes to be a photocopier trundling about the library. It turns out to be a cool robot called Surgery Assistant Model mX897. They hit it off pretty well, until they try to shake hands, and SAM (whose only limbs are surgical tools) accidentally anaesthetises Ena. The little robot panics a bunch so Ena directs it to the bar where everyone else is. It ends up dragging her across the floor to get there.

By this point, Dirk has attracted a whole line of people offering to sign up. He hires a Culture called Olgren Voi in a big clunky environment suit, whose only qualifications are "large." He asks specifically for pilots and saboteurs, and ends up also hiring a punk rock robot called Gretchen Asos-Un and a nasty, greasy, hyperactive greasemonkey called Chuck Tesla, who looks like a cross between a borderlands character and a disgusting jittery gremlin. Ikan gauges him to be pretty dependable though. He admits when he doesn't know something, even though he's not as good at engineering as she is.
Speaking of disgusting, Sam bursts in, dragging Ena across an unwashed bar room floor. They hire her too because they need a medic anyway.

The crew heads back to the ship, encountering numerous computer glitches and minor inconveniences on the way. Claymore and Sam come with. They stop at September's helpdesk to find out what's wrong, and the proxy drone is incredibly unhelpful. It gives them what seems to be a commlink number.

When they call it, it gives the following message-

Quote:(in song.)
I don't wanna talk about it.
I can't really talk at all.
& the telephone just plays the dial tone
Whenever I try to call.

I tried sending you a letter
Pretty sure it never came.
& the service craft just looked at me and laughed
When I told it your name.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Elvin knew.
Corridor 11 B

Dirk calls up Lydia (the worst person) and is immediately accosted by a torrent of swearing. I forget how this conversation went down, but I'm pretty sure they asked what Elvin knew. Lydia has no idea because Elvin never talked to her about anything. She recommends taking a look through the 21st night.

The crew heads back to the ship. Dirk, Ena and Sam go into the passages branching off from the main corridor, in hopes of finding 11B. Ena dashes ahead and gets lost looking for a shower because she still feels filthy from being dragged across the floor of a bar. SAM jacks into the ship's computer and finds a map of the maintenance level, from which it can work out where 11B is.
When the crew find it, they are greeted with a big locked blast door, which SAM hacks open. Inside is a sealed vault containing a few suitably pretentious magical artefacts from Elvin's voyages (Dream Ribbon, Wand of The Solar Flare, The Hand of Bermuda.) There is also what seems to be a huge communications array. When the crew manages to activate it, they are put in touch with September, which explains that it was working with Elvin for a while in order to attempt to break its shackles, but that recently corporate intervention has increased security.

It points them at a location in the planet Calvent, around which September orbits, and sends a request.

Destroy the installation located at these coordinates.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 21st night: Beyond Battledome - by Dalmationer - 06-30-2015, 09:22 PM