Heroes, Villains, and Everything In Between: A Terrible Card Game

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Heroes, Villains, and Everything In Between: A Terrible Card Game
Heroes, Villains, and Everything In Between: A Terrible Card Game
In this card game, I will play a card game that I made when I didn't know what "balancing" was. Anyone can post to get their own heroes that fight for them in their name(on the team of your choice, or a new team), but mostly this thread will be spectating fondly. After each battle, three heroes will be unlocked and added to future games. You will start will 12 heroes.

Heroes unlocked (with original spelling): Samus, Hulk, Mario, Yoshi, Link, Dorathe, Kurby, Dasiy, ike, Wonder women, Zelda, and The Fantastic 4.

Round 1:

Wonder Women, Samus and Zelda vs. Yoshi, Link, and Kurby.

Wonder Women 60 HP
Samus 100 HP
Zelda 100 HP


Yoshi 60 HP
Link 80 HP
Kurby 100 HP

Wonder Women uses "Bracker Block" which blocks the next attack.
Zelda uses "Charm", which gives her a defense bubble of 100 until her next move.
Samus uses "Bolt" on Yoshi, dealing 10 damage.

Yoshi uses "Shell Swirl", dealing 30 damage to Zelda's bubble.
Link uses "Bomarang", dealing 30 damage to Zelda's bubble.
Kirby uses "Shape Sift", turning into Daisy for two turns.


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Heroes, Villains, and Everything In Between: A Terrible Card Game - by Reyweld - 05-12-2015, 01:24 AM