Hell in Helen

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Hell in Helen
RE: Hell in Helen
Red Squirrel;7669927 Wrote:Helen:Fly away.

fishboyliam;7669967 Wrote:Helen: Scream. You were just born. That's pretty traumatic.

Spira-Virgo;7669990 Wrote:> Helen: OBJECTION! I AM NOT HELEN ORCHSTRA! My name is Noelle Wills~ I'm just a simple everyday girl who get killed by a garbage truck! :D

tronn;7670031 Wrote:>Helen: That guy.

It's okay to lie in Hell, right? It's not like it's going to get any worse.

Spira-Virgo;7670047 Wrote:I don't think lying is a big no no in hell. I think Satan will care less what we do in his place or break a few sins and laws there XDDDDDD

(10-05-2014, 02:35 AM)Coldblooded Wrote: »> Point to the bald naked dude standing next to you. He definitely looks like a Helen.

(10-05-2014, 03:42 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »> bald guy: raise hand

[Image: hell020.png]

The Giant Flaming Skull floats ominously above the crowd of billions. "Helen should be somewhere in this area..."

[Image: hell021.png]

Helen points at the big guy!


The Giant Flaming Skull turns its attention to Bonedryer's shouting.

Bonedryer: "This red girl here accused me of being Helen Orchestra!"

[Image: hell022.png]

Giant Flaming Skull: "Ah, Helen, there you are! Come with me!"

Helen feels compelled to follow.

[Image: hell023.png]

That is a nanobot!, thinks Helen, But why is it so large?

[Image: hell024.png]

Nanobot: "Scanning.... target pathogen matches host DNA, but is 25 years older than the host and contains an unholy signature. Target confirmed to be the Soul of Helen Orchestra."

Helen is shocked. If her own DNA matches the host DNA, then that must mean that the host is Helen!

[Image: hell025.png]

The Giant Flaming Skull wobbles in a way similar to nodding before turning towards the crowd.

"Great! I'm Satan and all of you have died and been sent to Hell. Every single one of you died sometime in the history of the universe. Upon the moment of your death, your tiny ghost soul was warped through time and space to this physical location within this red person's body. There is a heaven, but none of you get to go there, sorry."

[Image: hell026.png]

Satan: "Now, everybody form a line. It is time for me to judge your crimes."

Helen watches the crowd of trillions, maybe more, souls form a winding line that stretches further than she can see. She thinks about her life... the "real" Helen is surrounding them all, an infant that had just been born. Helen had/will lead a life of science completely unaware of the unusual events happening inside of her body.

[Image: hell027.png]

So while Helen understood that she was in the past and in Hell and inside of herself, she didn't really understand anything. She needed answers.

Helen walked over to the Nanobot. "Why is hell inside of me? Why not anyone else?"

The Nanobot replied, "We don't know."

Helen: "Well how much do you know?"

[Image: hell028.png]

Nanobot: "I know that Satan appeared in the egg cell 9 months ago. He had the nanobot hive cut off communication with the outside world to ensure the secrecy of his existence. He has threatened us with fiery damage to your body, and we are forced to comply. He has been building a hellish landscape throughout your body and it has done no harm to your biological health. The body's health is our primary concern."

Helen: "Okay. What happens in 25 years when I get killed?"

Nanobot: "We don't know. We are mostly worried about making sure the body survives to that point. Trillions of souls will complicate the matter. You are all very tiny and mostly harmless, but such a large human population is unpredictable, especially since most this population have committed sins. Fortunately, once Satan finishes judging them all, most of them will be sentenced to burn in a lava pit somewhere or buried in the fields of torment. The rest of the population, will be given much more freedom in comparison. We will have to ensure that none of you use that freedom to harm the body."

Helen considered the situation. Hell seemed rather similar to the way the old legends would describe it. A place of fire, lava and agony, but ultimately inconsequential until you actually went there. Sure, it was inside her own body, and apparently the eternal torment would be shortened to 25 years, but it didn't actually matter, it seems. Helen needed to focus on her own personal situation rather than the life she had just left behind. She needed to make the best of her situation!

Helen: "Nanobot, since apparently I can do whatever I want here, I guess I might as well see what the place is like. Can you fly me around? ....Can I go for a joyride?"

Nanobot: "Sure."

[Image: hell029.png]

Helen flew around on the nanobot! Her life's work was to be able to fly, and apparently all she had to do was die to be able to do so.
Helen was so happy, she didn't pay any attention at all to what the landscape looked like below her.

[Image: hell030.png]

Satan: "STOP THAT!"

[Image: hell031.png]

Satan's blast of fire seared some flesh in the infant's chest, who cried louder than before.

[Image: hell032.png]

Satan screamed in a rage of fire, "Hell is a place of eternal damnation and punishment! What gave you the idea that fun is allowed here?! Nanobots- don't let me catch you entertaining the souls again!"

Nanobot: "I'm sorry Lord Satan!"

The nanobot rushed off fix the damage before flying out of sight. Satan returned to his office to continue judging the souls of the damned.

[Image: hell033.png]

Helen stood around thinking of more things she wished she had asked the nanobot. Do souls need to sleep? Do they need to eat? What are we supposed to do all day if we're not the ones getting tormented constantly? Does she have even smaller nanobots within her soul body? How many souls are there in total? Are there any souls of children or old people? She hadn't seen either yet. Where was Satan before he started building this place? How come everyone seems to be speaking the same language? What would happen if she somehow found a way to alter history out in the world of the living? Is it only humans that go to hell or is there a dog park somewhere around here? Are aliens real and if so, are they here too? If Heaven inside of a living human's body too, and where did that person go when they died?

A girl Helen saw earlier ran up to her. "Hey Helen!"

Helen: "Hi?"

Simple Everyday Girl: "My name is Noelle Wills~ We spawned near each other, in case you noticed me... So... we're inside your body back when you were alive? The future sounds really great, with nanobots- I love the look you made for yourself!"

[Image: hell034.png]

Helen: "Oh, yeah, it's okay I guess. I was actually born with this look... nanobot modifications affect the appearance of offspring. It's very complicated..."

Noelle: "Oh! Okay. Well, I was talking with the other souls and most of them don't seem to like you very much..."

Helen noticed three other people nearby glaring at her. "Oh... yeah I suppose having red skin and being in hell and... being hell is not a very good coincidence for me is it! But I mean, it's not like they can do anything to me if I'm already dead, right?"

Noelle: "Well... not quite... I heard that souls can still die. But I actually need to tell you something"


Noelle's sentencing

So I guess I was lucky and was one of the first couple billion people in line so I got judged pretty quickly.

[Image: hell035.png]

Satan called "Next in line!" and so I went in.

Satan: "Noelle Wills, killed by a garbage truck while crossing a road, and you didn't commit any damnable crimes!"

So I was like, "Yeah, why am I in Hell, then?" and he told me that my great great grandfather got my entire bloodline cursed when he was raiding an ancient tomb. That's pretty unfair but Satan said that I get to do anything I want since I'm not actually bad. I'll have to go look for my family and I'll get to live in the capital city for the next 25 years basically with all the other innocent people here. He personally runs all the restaurants there simultaneously and he's apparently a very good cook! It sounds great, to be honest... When I first got here I was a little shocked from, you know, just being hit by a truck and all, but uh, I think it's actually going to be better here than how my life used to be.

[Image: hell036.png]

So anyway yeah, and then he handed me this letter before I left his office and told me to give it to you.


[Image: hell037.png]

Noelle hands Helen the envelope, "So there it is! That's what I came to you for. Don't worry, I didn't read it."

Helen: "Okay... thanks?"

Helen wonders why Noelle didn't just give her the letter right at the very start of the conversation.

Name: Helen Orchestra
Death: Choking on Regenerating Chicken
Crime: Murder of 3000 people

Souls can die, but if YOU die, then Hell will collapse, killing everyone here.  Helen's actual body will be fine, since I know you're wondering.
Since your death will prematurely end the suffering of the sinners in hell, they would want you dead.
Since your death will prematurely end the second chance at life that has been granted to many innocent people, including the girl standing before you, they would want you alive.

With this in mind, your Sentence is that you shall forever be on the run, fearing for your life.  I will constantly be releasing sinners from their torment for you to run from.

[Image: hell038.png]

That's all it says. Noelle says, "Well, alright, bye I guess! See you later, maybe?" and leaves.

So what should you do? You can see mountains across the plains below you. From a distance, all the souls just look like white specks.
You wonder how soon these people are going to go after you. Should you run, or hide, or fight, or what? Where should you go? What other body parts you can travel to? You're on the heart right now. Noelle mentioned a city somewhere?

What could you do to stop the waves after waves of people hunting you down? What if you just gave up and let them defeat you?
Should you ask for help? What's your plan?

What should you do?
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]

Messages In This Thread
Hell in Helen - by Crowstone - 10-04-2014, 10:10 PM
RE: Hell in Helen - by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-04-2014, 10:35 PM
RE: Hell in Helen - by Crowstone - 10-05-2014, 02:23 AM
RE: Hell in Helen - by Coldblooded - 10-05-2014, 02:35 AM
RE: Hell in Helen - by ICan'tGiveCredit - 10-05-2014, 03:42 AM
RE: Hell in Helen - by Whimbrel - 10-06-2014, 05:13 PM
RE: Hell in Helen - by Anthano Zasalla - 10-10-2014, 01:49 PM
RE: Hell in Helen - by Crowstone - 04-09-2015, 03:20 PM
RE: Hell in Helen - by Jacquerel - 04-09-2015, 03:42 PM
RE: Hell in Helen - by ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-09-2015, 07:14 PM
RE: Hell in Helen - by Whimbrel - 04-09-2015, 10:43 PM
RE: Hell in Helen - by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-14-2015, 02:41 PM