Ask Niall! "Niadvice" isn't really that catchy, is it?

Ask Niall! "Niadvice" isn't really that catchy, is it?
Re: Ask Niall! The advice column you were advised to need.
MrGuy Wrote:Is it worth it to make a one-off "Biting Thread" with no purpose other than a cheap joke, and possibly pictures of chain chomps, piranhas, puppies, etc.?
Well, it's always a context relevant situation, isn't it? I mean, we do already have one single-serving joke thread on the forums, so the question lies in whether we want another. Part of the reason for establishing Eagle Time may have been (and don't quote me on this) to have a place where a higher standard of thread would adorn the fine satin that is this forum (cloth analogy!). Flooding the forum with threads of this type might seem counter intuitive to that goal.
However, my opinion is that threads like these provide the lowest common denominator in forum participation. They're the most accessible and require the least effort to contribute a post to. If you don't feel like you have the energy to make an intelligent and thoughtful post on any given day, you've got this option as a way to still feel involved in this community.
Also, this is very much the beginning of Eagle Time. I feel like I can speak for everyone when I say that we're not entirely sure what Eagle Time will become in the future, or exactly what we'd like it to be at the present time. This period is very much one of R'n'D, so I'd suggest do just that. If it turns out nobody's receptive to it, you've learnt something. If a mod comes through and locks a thread, you've learned something too. If it's a resounding success, so much that it has a quicker post rate that Prequel, there's a third thing you may learn.
I'd say go for. It will also give me a little ego boost, because The Biting Thread was my conception (I'm so vain, I bet I think this post is about me, don't I? Don't I?). Do it. We as a community only have knowledge to gain from it.

This is Niall signing off, wishing you a good night and happy advice.
Is observing my own pattern of behavior of observing my own patterns of behavior a mental fractal or just navel gazing? Please advise.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Ask Niall! The advice column you were advised to need. - by Niall - 07-22-2011, 02:41 AM