RE: IRC highlights!
04-11-2012, 07:45 PM
Quote:<Dalfortrees> aww
* Dalfortrees hugs sayuuu
<Dalfortrees> -_-
<SuperSayu> ^_^
<Dalfortrees> :3
<Dalfortrees> (and then #mspafa became an anime)
<Bropocalypse> :0
<ArsenicNog> I'm yaoi shipping already
<Dalfortrees> :O
<Dalfortrees> oh nooo
<ProfessorLizzard> oh my
<ArsenicNog> Mspafa: The fanfiction
<Dalfortrees> I ship genxwhim
<Bropocalypse> whim is already married to een
<Dalfortrees> THEY ARE MY OTP
<Dalfortrees> :O
<Dalfortrees> LOVE TRIANGLE
<Bropocalypse> Gen is too much of a perv for whim to match :P
<Pancake> genxwhim?
<Pancake> woahhh
<Dalfortrees> fanfiction
<Pancake> what a werid otp
<Dalfortrees> yeah it was the first thing that came into my head :V
<ArsenicNog> Pan/Gen/Whim/Een is my high school AU polyship
<Dalfortrees> because I am silllyyyyy
<Pancake> i guess they are really big dorks
<Bropocalypse> pan: arent we all
<Dalfortrees> heh.
<Dalfortrees> we should make a girls school AU of #mspafa
<Dalfortrees> we could call it
<Dalfortrees> Heartchat
<Bropocalypse> uggggh
<Dalfortrees> and it can have some okay art, but everyone is really out of character
<Dalfortrees> and we could have like
<Pancake> i'm no dork
<Pancake> you all is
* Pancake pointin
<Dalfortrees> a hundred pages of off topic chatter
* Bropocalypse holds up a mirror
Beep Beep