Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[Image: 0MwqQE4.png]

(03-30-2015, 10:41 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »"Jeez..." Savannah wipes her brow, glaring at the fires still raging and Sa'ron flopping onto the ground like a dead fish. She doesn't have time for this.

"Shut up and go, psycho. You can cry later." Savannah butts Renzo in the back with her shoulder towards the remains of the tower and prepares to follow him. However, she catches sight of Sa'ron, still imitating a beached whale, and grumbles. "The things I do..."

"Hey." Savannah stands over Sa'ron, glaring down at him. Her hair shimmers with melting ice crystals, spear at the ready. "Am I gonna have to beat your ass again if I help you get up, or are we gonna do this the easy way?"

The man lies still, obviously worn out, yet he is smiling crookedly as you approach.

"In my homeland, you would have been hated and hunted as a witch for the accursed magic you wield... I see that the icy cold is not equally merciless this far south. We thank you for our freedom, friend. I'zith tells me he does not hope to fight you again any time soon. Let us hope fate does not have other plans."

Still lying prone, he eyes the unnatural woman and the dragon from across the battlefield, silently considering for several moments.

"We will escape this dead city on our own time, I think. Go and join your companions."

(04-02-2015, 03:50 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson jaunts to the old ruins like a person who has the slightest sense in his cerebrum to escape.

He then raises his finger, with a puzzled expression. Before dashing off he turns to see that they are without one of their ensemble and that a man with constellation decorations on his face is MAKING OFF WITH MAYOR'S ANTLER?!?!?!?!?!?!? He had no idea a golem would sport such a piece of animal headwear anywhere on his body. Or he forgot what it was for in the first place.

Regardless, HOW DARE HE MISAPPROPRIATE A PRECIOUS PIECE OF ANIMAL TROPHY AFTER ALL. That man must meet the jaws of justice, and justice, thy name is Starmetal.

"You, there!" Watson points to the golem, "bear it rightly!"

Watson throws a large, sharp piece of justice, and then dashes off, a ray of alizarin light trailing behind him while the sword is still spinning in the air. He can only hope that Mayor grips it and swings it to full force towards Enzu's smug mug.

(04-05-2015, 11:33 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Using the sudden burst of stamina that the winds had provided Bohw with, she grits through the pain and continues to run off with Thunderpaw in tow. She could of sworn she gave the newcomer a mortal blow earlier, but she failed to be surprised by the enemy's sturdiness after all this bullshit. Slinging her longbow over her shoulder, Bohw quickly reached into her coat pockets and activated a timed, clockwork bomb in her hands, hurling it behind her at any of their pursuers.

Mayor is confused, he is unsure if this was a good development or a bad one, given the nature of his friend. Enzu was clearly missing his horns, it never occurred to Mayor that was holding one of his horns, despite the sense it made, but he just assumed that was because Enzu was currently not a dragon. Mayor idly caught a spinning sword in his hand and stuffed it inside his torso for safety, while it was currently open. Hopefully Enzu would of been affixed on his horn long enough for him to pick up the chestplate and leg it with the rest of everyone else.

Mayor leaves Enzu as he is still sitting there, apparently content to sit there and marvel at the antler. How disappointed Watson must be.

(03-25-2015, 02:40 AM)Psych Wrote: »The beauty of the winds brings a tear to Renzo's eye. Daring not to wet his glorious mustache, he sniffles. "It is no shame, to weep at beauty." Overwhelmed by emotions, he throws a jar of glaze at Bohw and Thunderpaw, letting it break open on them, and increasing their speed to allow them to keep up with this mysterious woman.

(03-24-2015, 09:19 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »Well, I have no idea what this does. Lets try using Song of the Lost while Bohw drags Thundy to the secret tunnels.

A haunting, wordless song rings out across the courtyard as you race for the broken base of the tower, pursued by the scarred woman. With a burst of speed, you manage to make it out of the reach of her flashing steel claws, only to immediately be assaulted by another barrage of arcane projectiles and lightning strikes, punishing you with blinding pain for every step you take.

Then the great dragon catches up to the diminutive figure, and with one sweep of his claw he rips the woman in half, the sickly snap of rusted metal ringing out loud. With another sweep, the dragon sends the pieces flying across the courtyard to land in some distant corner.

"She will return shortly. Every moment you delay is another you spend being stalked. Should you survive, hasten to the defense of Taraheen. I shall slow this demon for as long as I am able."

Picking up a nearby mostly-intact wall, the dragon heaves it onto his back and makes as if to move across the courtyard to bury the woman beneath a pile of rubble.

Climbing over your own piles of rubble, Bohw drags you towards what was once the base of the tower, now only outlined by the jagged remains of a wall. You hurry through what would have been the entrance hall, passing ruined books, broken candles and ornamentations aswell as a slew of ruined furniture. Up ahead sits a stone throne on an elevated dias, surrounded by rubble and broken counselors chairs. A crown sits on the throne, devoid of any ornamentation save a large sapphire set at the brow. A man in mages robes lies crushed beneath a wooden beam just outside of where the room would have ended in a side entrance. Immediately behind the throne the floor has caved in, revealing a stairwell leading down into darkness.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven] - by chimericWilder - 04-05-2015, 12:43 PM